
What actions can people take to help ortect wildlife?

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Now 2008 is kicking in soon and we still have to deal with global political wars and global warming, and natural threats and wilf life conservation, theres a lot to deal with. I actually had to do an essay on this question and i'd just like to view your opionions, 2007 is going to pass, do we stand at a different point then we didnt in the beggining of 07 as in the end of 07. Do you see anything new for 2008?




  1. As a hunter, I feel I can contribute by making sure I do not wound, or cripple an animal, and lose it.  I make sure my shots are placed in a vital area, and I never shoot when the range makes my accuracy less than perfect.  Usually a single, well-placed shot will result in a clean kill, and ensures that the animal did not suffer.

  2. go to

  3. Do you mean "protect" wildlife? I am unsure what ortect means.

    Where should I start...our worlds wildlife is the backbone of our planets survival.  People dont seem to truly care about wildlife on the planet.  The majority of people who have alot of money and want to donate for the "greater" good, tend to donate toward "human" causes and ignore what is really important in our world, the environment.  Humans will prevail, no matter what is given to them, human will still live on, in the worst of times, they will move on with their lives, whereas animals and plants and our other natural resources cannot survive human meddlings.  Wildlife is more in perel than anything.  There is a program that recently aired on CNN call wildlife in perel. This show brought to life that species all over the world are going extinct, not only from global warming but more due to human consumption.  Humans are consuming wildlife habitats at an allarming rate. Soon there will be nothing left for the planet to sustain itself, and it is happenign way too fast.  Animals are being sucked up by people who find them useful in traditional medicines and for food that isnt necessary. Fish stocks are being depleted from our oceans.  Humans take and take and take from the oceans and never put back.  They never give back when it comes to the oceans.  Due to a rise in sushi consumption in the US and other countries the demand for fish has risen to the point that species like tuna are depleted to the point that tuna will be extinct in 40 years.

    This world is a mess, I could go on and on about wildlife in perell, but that would be a novel.

    There are many things you can do to help the environment.  Make up flyers, educate people on the plight of wildlife and the illegal wildlife trade.  Send letters to polititians, ambassadors, and other governement officials stating your concerns for wildlife.  Donate to or become a member of organizations that specialize in saving wildlife nad their habitats like: (internation fund for animal welfare) (world wildlife fund)

    The list is endless.

    Good luck and I hope you can make a difference in the world.

  4. One of the best ways to support wildlife programs in your state is to purchase a hunting license (even if you choose not to hunt).

    The revenues received from the license purchase help fund state level management and conservation programs

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