My uncle moved in our house about 6 months ago. He has a mental age of a 4 year old child.
He used to go to a special school and he enjoyed it there because he has friends and has things to do. But since our house is so far away from the school (3-5 hr drive), he just stays at our house (with his nanny).
Most of us are out for work or busy doing chores. I feel guilty seeing him do nothing but i don't know how to deal with him.
He's not active because he's physically weak as he has to be dyalized 2 times a week and that he broke his thigh bone about 8 months ago. His thigh is already healed now but he's afraid to walk around for exercise as he might fall.
His activities are sleeping, eating, and watching TV. Just that. and he responds to us by just saying yes though we try to interact with him. He doesn't talk much though i know he has the mental capacity to do so. Whenever i try to do crafts with him, he would just watch and expect someone else to do it for him.
please help us