
What activites do you recomend a preschooler?

by Guest61341  |  earlier

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I am babysittting my 4 year old sister.I really need something to for her to do instead of watching t.v. all day.




  1. -Go for a walk in the woods-take a bag and collect interesting things like pine cones, leaves, twigs..then when u get home you can glue them onto paper and make cool things...this will keep her amused for a while esp if you buy glitter and things!

    -Go to the park-maybe take a small picnic too then you can stay for longer!

    -Sing and dance to a DVD, maybe rent one from library (a kids one) even though its TV atleast its more active.

    -Face painting-let her paint you and you can paint her-lots of giggling :)

    -Get her favourite toys out and sit on the floor and play with her.

    -Read stories-maybe make it into a little play (if she has the understanding)...make puppets or play dress up to act it out.

    -Drawing and colouring-always fun esp if u sit with her as she does it!

    -Cooking-maybe something simple like rice crispy cakes (melted chocolate and mix in rice crispies-then eat!)

  2. well there is a lot of things.I am a preschool teacher so try some of these ideas.

    try just reading with her

    go to the libary

    go for a walk or go to the park

    it is always good to bond with your siblings when they are young so just do her hair, put some music on and dance, sing with her, or you could even just play dress up let her wear some of your clothes, and just put on crazy looking make up trust me children love doing that

    or make something like let her paint, draw a picture, or give her a coloring book and  always try to show interest in what she is doing it will help when she grows up  and always tell her you are proud of her and what she has drawn or painted

    or bake stuff with her

    buy cookies and let her decorate them

    just make sure that what ever she does make sure you do something with her


    and I hope you have FUN !

  3. Here is a list of great activities to do with a preschooler.

  4. Hang out at the library. They have some great summer activities. The zoo, the park. Get a book that gives you ideas on stuff to make in the kitchen like your own bubble mix or homemade playdoh. Lots of art stuff--crayons, colored paper, glue sticks. Learn something together like sign language. And again, if all else fails--THE PARK! Have fun!

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