
What activities are appropriate for 2, and 3 year olds ?

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i just accepted a job in a child development center for 2-3 year olds and i have no experiences working with this age group. i have no idea what would be appropriate things to do with them , and i am freaking out, can anyone share their experiences with me ?




  1. fun activities outside are always nice, things they can run around doing, going for walks, stretching/yoga, dancing to music, read books to them, simple art projects, sing along songs, color/number/letter recognition there are so many websites with ideas, my favorite is family fun

  2. At this age group, kids are just beginning to use their imagination. Early on, they may not be able to fully take on the role, but they have ideas about it. For example, they may not initially act like a dog, but they know what dogs eat, what they do, how they play, where they sleep, etc. You may want to focus on themes of dramatic play where they can elaborate on these ideas. Have a doctor week, a zoo week, a sea animals week, a firefighter week, etc. Have lots of costumes and props to help them elaborate their ideas.

    Also, give lots of hands on art activities. The more simple, the better. Let them explore with paint, and even glue! Give small dishes of glue with lots of paper and supplies to explore. Don't worry about them doing it "right" - just let them do what they want. They will have lots of time to work on techniques later - let them play now!

    Also, music can be so much fun with this age group! Give them instruments they can manipulate and play games with rhythm and steady beat. Expose them to music from many different cultures. Give them scarves and ribbons to dance with. Talk about how the music makes them feel or what they think the musician felt when s/he sang/performed the song.

    Read stories. Often! All different kinds of stories with varying themes and characters. Talk about what happens in the stories, and give them the props to reenact what they recall.

    Don't focus on math or letter flashcards right now. They can pick up these facts in much more engaging ways through play! Math can be taught with unit blocks, puzzles, stringing beads. Letters are touched on in books, pretend shopping lists, labels around the classroom.

    Above all, have fun! This age group is such a joy to work with! They are curious, interesting, and so, so bright! Good luck!

  3. knife fights

    with rubber blades

  4. Singing songs, clapping games, children's dance moves, marching, percussion instruments, reading them stories, learning to share, coloring, ABC song, nap time.

  5. As a mother of a 2 1/2 year old and - as well as all my friends, I know they absolutely love to be hands on with any activities such as painting with washable paints or stamps.  Singsong type of games with musical instruments.  Circle time reading books that aren't too long.  They are still mostly into parallel play and just learning to interact in activities with each other.  

    Anything they can build, create and make somewhat of a mess with will keep them happy!  Good luck.  I would suggest going on-line and searching for craft type projects for their age group.  That is were my son's "school" gets their ideas.

  6. Firstly wish you luck in your job, children this young will get bored easily and their concentration is limited. Make the games interesting water activities and sand, painting,play dough, and a brilliant one is the snow flakes (washing flakes) made into a paste children will love this.  Story telling is fantastic but children can not sit long keep this in your mind when you are planning. Children sitting for arguement on a carpet will only keep focused for their age plus 2 mins. Children love music and anything that is messy  you will have their undivided attention Keep the activities short. Best of Luck

  7. feed them candy and cokes and let them run around

  8. my daughter enjoys play-do, coloring, painting, being read to, doing flashcards, dancing, and games like ring around the rosie, funny hats, etc.  You can always get ideas from parents, too, just ask them what are some of their kids' faves?  Good luck, it's a lot easier than you fear!

  9. All experiences are different, you have to sit back and observe a child.What may be normal for one may be inappropriate for another and good luck that is a rough age group.

  10. well, you have to find activities that are age appropriate and interesting. If its too easy, tey'll get bored. Too hard they get frustrated. Try  Millions of activities. Most promote motor skills as well.

  11. Remeber they're young kids so they wouldn't want a boring maths and physics lesson, instead you could try something more productive which would involve team building skills and cooperation. Have treats for 'well working groups' or 'good kids', maybe chocolate and coke wouldn't be such a good idea but fruits, dilute drinks and a sticker would be fine (note: be sure the child would be allowed to anything you offer- they're only young so it's your job to find out details from their records. They may not be allowed to have something for various reasons: allergy, religion or anything just make sure its 'ok' to give them that certain treat.)

    ideas of things to do:

    -  painting

    -  Stamping

    -  Building blocks

    -  nursery rhymes

    -  dancing

    -  stories

    -  Cutting, colouring in and glueing!!! (make sure you use non-toxic products and blunt sccissors to be on the safe side)


    if you want some ideas of things to make try this site:

    Once you get the basic play of it you'll be great at it and you'll be able to create some ideas of your own. Just be sure to consider health, safety, hygeine and religous stuff because them kids havn't seen much of the world yet (don't get stressed on that though, it shouldn't be a problem).

    good luck!!!!

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