
What activities can be done for paranormal situation or situations? (Details Below)?

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Ok, I know it sounds weird, but Im interested in finding out paranormal situations and how to make them come about if they are real..such as ghosts, spells, and all that crazy stuff. How can this be done?




  1. You can not control paranormal activity! In the instances where some have tried, the occurences weren't always positive. When you're trying to call on spirits, you can't control if a negative energy answers that call. You're best bet is to find a place with reported activity and set up cameras and voice recorders to see if you can catch anything. Finding proof is the best thing to do!

  2. Step one: find a skeptic

    Step two: ask him/her to explain the scientific method

    Step three: perform the scientific method on anything paranormal.

    Step four: Watch all reason escape the skeptic as he explains why your results aren't possible.


  3. First of all, paranormal activity has a tendency to act on it's own.People in general cannot control it.There have been many instances where people have attempted to verbally provoke an action from a spirit or entity.Sometimes they get results,however these are usually  minor  and in no way provide proof of hauntings.The best way to document activity is to use equipment designed to detect these things.This is not an exact science and is subject to many interpretations. Good Luck and have fun looking.. Johnny Southern New Mexico Ghost Hunters Society..

  4. I think your question is similar to the one inteleyes just asked. If you read the answers that hopefully will be posted on his might get some ideas. I still haven't  figured out how it happened to me...what caused it.

  5. The bringing about of paranormal situations are different for everyone.  Some will never see, some will never hear, and some will never feel what lingers near them.  Is there a place (a room) in your home or a friends that gives you a weird or uncomfortable feeling when you enter? (Make sure that the room has little to no foot traffic)  If so, try this; place a tape recording in that room for a few days, checking on it to be sure that the batteries are charged and placing in a new tape when required.  At the end of three days, play back the tapes.  Be sure to listen carefully, and keep in mind that you will probably not hear anything on the first tape.  You should always be aware that it is not wise to mess around with the unliving, and be sure to take caution.

  6. You can't make it happen. It happens all on it's own.

  7. What lmalltha said pretty well sums it up, ghosts / spirits wont act on queue. But, you can try what is called a psychic trigger if you have any history at all on a location. For instance, we were on an investigation Friday night where we had a pretty good idea one of the entities was a child that the client used to baby set. There was a old fashioned toy, wooden, train whistle that he always played with when he was there. We had EMF levels and temp readings that suggested he was somewhat active. We set the train whistle out and told him that he could play with it and asked him to move it. We had infrared remote cameras and a camcorder trained on the whistle. After we left the room and shut the door and a little while after, the whistle moved on it's own. This experiment only works if you have an idea if the entity has an interest in an object. This doesn't mean that this is going to work when you try it, actually, your really lucky if it does. In this field nothing is etched in stone and what we know for the most part is purely speculation that's why we are constantly researching to see what ghost can or cannot do or, will or will not do. You really don't know how they will try to communicate if you ask them too or if they even will. I hope this helps.

  8. there are numerous things you can to to trigger paranormal activity. Asking questions, can allow them a way to speak through noises and actions. also attempting to provoke the spirtit can bring out the actions and noises.

  9. Ghosts do not perform on command. Just visit haunted locations and eventually you will see a ghost.


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