
What activities can you suggest for 4 year old kids with language delay?

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kids are also hyperactive and poor attention and concentration span.





  1. As many have mentioned, make sure there is not a physical problem that needs to be addressed, determined by your child's pediatrician.

    Speech begins developing around age one, and two year olds are hard at work perfecting their language.  Three and four year olds are fine-tuning speech - they have very good grammar, generally, and are working on finishing touches of pronunciation.

    The best thing you can do with your child is to converse.  Encourage that child to talk.  Talk to them.  Get them to talk to each other.  Tell stories.  Ask questions.  Have them draw a picture then talk about what they drew.  Speech is a practice makes perfect skill.

    As for the hyperactivity and attention span issues, please don't immediately turn to medication.  I realize there are some cases that only medication can ultimately help, but first analyze their diet.  There has been so much research recently linking hyperactivity and attention span issues with poor nutrition, high sugar intake, etc.  Your pediatrician, again, is a great resource for this.  Finally, figure out what your child likes to do and work with it.  This comes from someone with self-diagnosed and never medicated A.D.H.D.  I am a wreck sometimes in terms of focusing, but I work with it and more often than not am the first one finished with something because I've learned to work quickly and diligently.

    I know a lot of previous answers have included sensory play - sand, water, rolling around in the grass - this is great too.  Just get them to talk about it!

    Good luck with everything.

  2. join in with activities that use their senses. if you are just sitting there watching them or even cheering them on they will get bored very easily. try putting objects or pictures of objects in a bag and getting them to pull them out and repeating the names after you.. this can also be fun if you take photos of their favourite things or places. hope this was a help!

  3. language delay meaning that he doesn't talk or doesn't understand?

    understanding -- take him to the playground, draw some circles with symbols. tell him to run to the "red circle" or the "blue square" or the "big triangle". it's interactive and it helps  him understand. create other similar games :]

    talking -- this just takes time. kids talk when they're ready. however, you should take him to a doctor and see if he has learning disabilities or other problems (same thing with the understanding).

    good luck :]

  4. First I would get the child or children screened for a speech delay.  You can have this done at your local Education department.  After they find the exact problem, most of the time school districts offer free services to the children to help them become better at speech before they start school and even after school has started (this is for public schools).  As for things to do with children with speech delays at home, you should try interactive play.  Use sand and water and anything they can touch and feel or see.  It is highly important that when you play with them you are directly talking to them and having them directly talk back to you.  Also make sure you are using grown up language not baby talk.  You can have those children draw and then tell you about the picture.  Really anything that gets them talking and you talking will help them with their speech development.

  5. touching and naming or just feeling is a great thing

  6. when they sleep, let them listen to a recording of simple words

    ex "mommy, daddy, family, etc"

  7. Anything that involves the use of their sense of touch. Playing in water, sand, with play-dough, clay, etc. are all great and inexpensive ways to occupy young children of all learning stages. When you remove the "normal" stimulations that most kids get now-a-days such as t.v., computers and video games, they are forced to utilize their more primitive skills and you will notice that they can be more attentive when they have more control over what they are seeing, feeling, smelling and playing with. Another great idea is to let them put their bathing suits on and give them watercolor paints and paint brushes in the bathtub letting them paint all over the tub (and themselves) and it rinses off easily.

  8. video games are a great way to entertain preschoolers

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