
What activities would be cool for a high school Italian Club?

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I'm just starting this up and I thought that watching a movie or two, going to a local gelateria, and pen pals might be fun. Also, does anyone have any simple (I can't stress this enough) Italian foods that could be made for snacks. I know that pizza and tiramisu are classic, but it would be hard to make them at the school's limited kitchen.

Grazie mille volte ( thanks very much)!




  1. An Italian club!? Exotic! Well, I can't be one to express great recipes, as I just eat Italian Food, but I have some good ideas!

    1. Take a trip to Olive Garden or another Italian resturant! Study the food, the presentation, and, if possible, try to talk with one of the chefs! Take many notes! (Raising money would be a key factor)

    2. Have everyone cook their favorite Italian recipes! Or, get people to team up based on recipes. On presentation day, everyone gets a taste sample, then, gets let on their secret recipes!

    Have fun!

  2. Our school's Italian club usually does the following.  We have pen pals from a school in Italy (St. Steven's in Rome is one.)  We also played Italian versions of board games like Monopoly, but could only converse in Italian.  We watch Italian movies but try not to read the English subtitles.  We also listen to popular Italian music (pop, rock).  Each week, a team is in charge of bringing an authentic Italian snack for all the members.  Some simple ones are Nutella on Italian bread slices; rice balls; pizza rustica; biscotti; sun-dried tomatoes with Asiago cheese slices; cassatta (we cheat and make our own cannoli filling and then spread it between slices of store-bought poundcake.  The cannoli filling is easy: ricotta, confectioner's sugar, mini chocolate chips, a drop of orange extract, and some citron).   Grape juice is our "wine."    Buona fortuna e buon appetito!

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