
What actually happened to House's leg? Every time he's on he has a KNEE which means he didn't get it...?

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..amputated, unless it's just poor planning. And Cuddy always says stuff like muscle regeneration...I need some answers.

no spam. and im not crazy for watching house-House is cool.




  1. You've already gotten good answers, so I won't repeat them.

    You can see the first season episode "Three Stories" where he explains it - great episode.

    Also, great House recaps on the official site:

  2. "About ten years before the series began, House entered into a relationship with Stacy Warner (Sela Ward), a constitutional lawyer. Five years later, during a game of golf, he suffered an infarction in his right leg, which went undiagnosed for three days due to doctors' concerns that he was exhibiting drug seeking behavior (House was also unable to diagnose his own infarction). An aneurysm in his thigh had clotted, leading to an infarction and causing his quadriceps muscles to become necrotic. House had the dead muscle bypassed in order to restore circulation to the remainder of his leg, risking organ failure and cardiac arrest. He was willing to endure excruciating post operative pain to retain the use of his leg. After House was put into a chemically-induced coma to sleep through the worst of the pain, Stacy, House's medical proxy, acted against his wishes and authorized a safer surgical middle-ground procedure between amputation and a bypass by removing just the dead muscle. This resulted in the partial loss of use in his leg, and left House with a lesser, but still serious, level of pain for the rest of his life. House could not forgive Stacy for making the decision, so she left him.[16] House now suffers chronic pain in his leg, and has to use a cane to aid his walking."

  3. If I recall correctly,  he had an prolonged infarction, which resulted in his muscle in the area dying, and therefore the muscle was removed to prevent a widespread infection.

    That is the reason why he has a limp and walks with a cane, part of his quadriceps is gone.

    An infarction usually is the result of a blood clot (various reasons for the clot), or high cholesterol.

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