
What actually happens if you call 911 from an australian landline?

by Guest60235  |  earlier

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Would a recorded message be played or would it transfer to 000 or something?




  1. I dont think anything would happen. It's like if you were to dial 411 in an area that doesnt have a 411, you would just eventually get that operator lady that says you have dialed an incorrect number, or eventually get a busy signal because your phone is off the hook

  2. Sorry this has nothing to do with Australia but I know if you dial 911 in the Philippines you get Pizza hut !

  3. ----------------------------------------...

    Nothing will happen


    911 is not an Australian emergency number, You can take a look for the emergency numbers around the World in the link below.


  4. dont have a clue but dont reccomend trying it! xxxxxx

  5. Absolutely nothing, it just refers u 2 our emergency number of 000, people do get confused though from watching too many U.S. shows, england is 999, so we each have a different call number, but the bogans don't seem to understand, oh well, they'll all learn eventually, hopefully not at the expense of a life! Hope that answers your question, take care petals!

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