
What actually happens in2Girls 1 Cup?

by  |  earlier

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I just wanna know what happens before i watch it.




  1. Two girls eat p**p... its nasty

  2. Ok well the girls make out then one poops in a cup and they both start l*****g the cup

  3. It's a fake video. People will believe anything.

  4. do not watch it..its disgusting. my friends showed me the first 5 seconds and i almost puked. its two girls making out. then they **** in a cup. then they start eating the **** and keep making get the idea. ahh its disgusting. never again.

  5. I have never even heard of it

  6. Um, it is somewhat disturbing if u have a weak stomach.  Two lovely ladies engage in some lezbo-action and at first you are thinking that u are watching a typical meat-head's dream.... Untill they start with the "poopy-play" if ya know what I mean... It gets worse as their own stomachs' can't handle what they are doing.  Good luck.  

    PS- I really think it is a crock... I betcha they are using chocolate ice cream.

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