
What actually is a gel?

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I know they help your joints, but what exactly do they do?




  1. Do you mean the packets they hand out during marathons?

    They are sugar + water + some stuff to make it thick.   They usually contain sodium, since you lose it sweating, and often contain caffeine.  A few contain vitamins & or protein....but it's mostly carbs.

    They give your body carbs but do nothing for your joints.

    Do you mean the Asics shoe material?   That's just marketing BS for the rubber they put in there.   Springs, rubber, airsoles....all just different means to an end.

  2. It's an energy gel...

    A mix of complex and simple carbohydrates that provide quick and sustained energy, electrolytes for replenishment and caffeine to tap more power and diminish pain.

    - Histidine, an essential amino acid, to act as a buffer and slow the energy-sapping lactic acid build-up in muscles.

    - Higher levels of citrates (potassium citrate, sodium citrate, and citric acid) to help speed the conversion of carbohydrates into energy molecules and, like histidine, help mitigate acid build-up.

    - Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) leucine, valine and isoleucine to serve as another fuel source, aid in recovery and help maintain mental focus and reduce fatigue by limiting the central nervous system's production of serotonin.

    - The amino acid complex Ornithine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (OKG) which limits the body's tendency to break down muscle protein tissue during extremely hard training and racing days. OKG keeps you going longer and promotes a speedier recovery.

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