
What actually is the?

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truth about crop circles??

there has been a nerw one dicovered based on the Pi formula.....3.1415 yadaa yadda yaddda

whats it all about.??




  1. Crop circles were created by the farmers who lived there in an attempt to make a name for themselves.  Aliens don't leave crop circles. They leave aliens who infiltrate our society and turn humans against humans in an attempt to take over the world.

  2. hmmmm. pi....

    whats it about.......?

    well, uhm

    a circle.

    thusly crop circles.

    like c = pi * d

    very bored people make them, called circle makers

    see the circles?

    see pi?

    see pi run?

    see pi run in circles?

    ever heard the musical version of pi?

    considered the numbers 0-9 as musical notes on a scale

    pretty crazy shtuff




  3. People with waaaaayyyyy too much time on their hands.

  4. I can't get this picture out of my mind...aliens develop the means to travel billions of light years away from home, they stumble across earth, go into orbit, and the commander says to his lieutenant, "Zork, I want to to take an away team and go down there and ummm, just stomp around in the corn for awhile. Walk around in a circle, so's you don't get lost, you dummy.  Then beam back on board.  Now get your butt in gear, we need to go build a face on that reddish planet over there."

  5. If you really want to know about it, thre's a special show in Discovery Channel or National Geographic that's about crop circles. It showed that some were fake... because of crop circle artists (they even demonstrated how to make one) and showed some real ones that there's no evidence that crop circle artists made it. I didn't get to see most of the show but they did interview some professors/ specialists and they really have possible evidence to support that aliens did it... But then again, I THINK NO ONE STILL KNOWS WHO DID THOSE STRANGE CIRCLES.

  6. If anything weird of unexplainable happens just say a wizard did it!

  7. It's generally accepted that crop circles are a hoax perpetrated by a few individuals, initially in England, but subsequently copied elsewhere in the world. Every circle is based on pi, since pi is derived from a circle; no mystery there!
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