
What ad banners are the most profitable from comission junction to put on my website?

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what are the best type of ad banners from comission junction to include on my web site that will make me the most money. my site is 80 pages and will be 700+ by the end of summer. i am building an an alcohol and drug addiction recovery self help site. thanks




  1. One thing you may want to do is go through every page of your website or at least every section ...  then for all of your content think about what are the main keywords you will use...  then on CJ do a search for those keywords and see what type of vendors come up......  those may be the vendors you may want to use..

  2. Personally Google adsense is the easiest yet one of the most earning one on the net lately

  3. I get the most clickthroughs from the very visual ones but I also get a lot from the text ads as well. People look for text links to learn about information and tend to clickthrough these rather than banner ads.

    For books on the subject I recommend eBay Partner Network or Amazon Affiliate Programs.

  4. p**n links.

  5. You're asking the wrong question

    The question to ask is: Given my audience, what are they most likely to buy and what ads will attract them the most?

    CJ is all about PPA -- pay per action. And PPA ads mean that the visitors actually RESPOND to the ads.

    Say you run a travel site to Europe. The visitors you will attract are those looking to travel to Europe. So the ads that will make them respond are those ads on hotel reservations, plane reservations, tour companies, luggages, etc.

    For an alcohol and drug addiction recovery site, you need to determine  what are the contents of your site and then match the audience with that particular content. For example, if you have a section on activities to do to keep them occupied, then you might want ads for sport companies, travel companies, etc

    So what ad banners are most profitable from CJ? The ones that your audiences are most likely interested in

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