
What advanced technologies used by which ancient civilizations became lost over time and recently regained?

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What advanced technologies used by which ancient civilizations became lost over time and recently regained?




  1. The pre-conquest Aztec culture had a holistic way of explaining illness. They believed that disease was not always caused by one thing, but encompassed three realms. Illness was either caused by supernatural or religious causes, magical causes or natural causes.

  2. Though not a technology per se, but rather a discovery, the 2nd Century Greek doctor Galen discovered the 4 human Blood Types, and began to treat patients accordingly...

    This discovery was somehow forgotten after his death, and not re-discovered until 1906, by an Austrian doctor, who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for it...

    Re-discovering this knowledge has led to saving countless women's lives, from dying during childbirth, as well as improving the science of giving blood transfusions...

    Much knowledge seemed to have been forgotten during the Dark Ages (appx. 400-1100 AD), which had to be re-learned during the Renaissance Period, which followed in Europe...

  3. batteries

  4. GERM WARFARE :)  !!!  the Mongolians would launch the remains of their diseased soldiers at their enemies so that they would in turn become infected. I believe it was Ghankis Khan's time that this was used.

    Parachutes.  Leonardo Di Vinci designed a pyramid shaped parachute in his sketches, but it is believed he never tested it out (just like his sketches of flying devices!)

  5. Batteries (Iraq), Balloons (S. America), steam engine (Greece), the world being round (Greece), embalming (Egypt),

    There are also things know to past civs that we don't know.  Damascus steel in the Medieval period for example.

  6. Ancient indians [from india] had or conceptualized bizaare flying machines [vimanas] used for war/battle which mimicked natural disasters weather/storms/etc to frighten their enemies - dont think anything like that has been reinvented though unless you include planes and nuclear weapons.

    and jared_e4... the world being round (Greece).

    The ainu [indigenous japanese]already

    refered to earth as a "floating ball" far earlier.

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