
What advantages do green houses really offer during the summer time?

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are they mainly for protecting plants during the winter?

why and how so?

how do they work basically and when did this become a popular method to grow plants ?

why and how so?

Thanks for your answers!




  1. Go to these sites, there is a small video showing you how a greenhouse works in the first one.

  2. This is just a "off the top of my head" kind of answer, but I imagine you can still keep plants warmer at night in a greenhouse than they would be outside. Also, you can control the humidity. If you live in the desert or something, both of those things could be important.

  3. Well, I guess they are mainly to protect plants from summer downpours. (They are needed in this unpredictable weather!) It also protects them from the harsh chill of the winter. The temperature is higher in a greenhouse which helps to encourage seedlings to grow.

  4. Assuming you live in one of the northern states here in America; greenhouses are mainly used to protect plants in the winter as well as the fall and spring.  They keep snow off the plants in the winter, as well as keep the root system from a deep freeze which would kill the plant.  In the spring and fall, a covered greenhouse will keep the plants from getting frost damage.  They also give the plants a bit of a head start on the growing season in the spring.  The greenhouse will trap heat inside and help the plants break dormancy sooner.  Greenhouses are typically uncovered after the threat of frost has passed, but can still be of use in the summer.  They can be covered with a shade cloth to help protect plants from direct sun exposure.  There are usually irrigation systems set up inside a greenhouse too, which gives them a purpose in the summer.  

  5. A greenhouse provides a controlled environment allowing you to grow plants that wouldn't grow out of doors, or to provide stronger plants than would grow out of doors.  The "greenhouse effect" means that a greenhouse traps the suns rays making it hotter inside than out.  By controlled watering you can select the humidity.  During the summer, you can grow plants like tomatoes and cucumbers getting much heavier crops that you would get growing the same plants in the garden.

  6. I hope to purchase a green house next year.  Growing tomatoes in the conservatory takes up too much room

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