
What advantages does Panama have for anyone who's trying to disappear?

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What advantages does Panama have for anyone who's trying to disappear?




  1. Well, not many, because they got caught.

  2. None, I would have chosen the Philippines.

    Anyway, why would he want to disappear, if he took his wife with him?...  To escape taxes?

  3. Because it has the Panama Skip Canal.

  4. it must have some as they lived quite a good life there for 5 years. They probably still would if they hadn't had a row and he decided to blow the whistle

  5. None:  Panama Openly allows FBI and other American Agency to come and get the cromminals that have committed crimes in the U.S....I believe is the same for other people..If the case is that Panama  gets you for committing a crime in Panama..You dont want to go to a Panamanian Jail..There, the violated human rights, and Also they will violate you..which you proably deserve...Go find another place you crook.

  6. Not the best place if you are hiding from the law as there is an extradition treaty.  You could last a while but eventually you would be sent back--unless your crime was so minor that it wasn't worth the effort.  I don't think we have an extradition treaty with Brazil so that would be a better choice.

  7. i would imagine that although we have a 'treaty' with them, they've got more to be doing than enforcing that. i dont suppose it is high on their priorities

  8. I've known of some criminals who've tried to lay low there but they always end up getting caught eventually.Try Asia instead.Especially Thailand.

  9. erm....hats?

  10. d**n boy..wat crime have u commited?

  11. who did you kill??

    who did you steal??

  12. If you want to "dissapear" go to Brazil. No extradition treaty. Or go to Cuba. If youve got lots of money to stash, Austria has the best bank secrecy laws. Panama charges no taxes on money that comes from out of the country.

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