
What advantages does sharepoint hosting have?

by Guest58015  |  earlier

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What advantages does sharepoint hosting have?




  1. In computing, the Microsoft SharePoint product from Microsoft offers a browser-based collaboration and document-management platform. It can be used to host web sites that access shared workspaces and documents, as well as specialized applications like wikis and blogs from a browser. SharePoint does not intend to replace an entire file server (it imposes, for example, a file-size limitation of 5 gigabytes). SharePoint functionality is exposed as web parts, such as a task list or discussion pane. These web parts are composed into web pages, which are then hosted in the SharePoint portal. SharePoint sites are actually ASP.NET 2.0 applications, which are served using IIS and use a SQL Server database as data storage backend.

    All websites today currently run on either a Windows web server or a Linux-based server. The vast majority of websites run on a Linux-based platform as Linux has a strong reputation for security and web server performance. With standard (static) HTML-based websites, the web hosting platform doesn't make much difference. When it does make a difference, however, is when the website uses a dynamic scripting technology such as ASP (A Microsoft based technology), or PHP / PERL (Linux based technologies). A Windows-based hosting solution will run a Microsoft Windows server with IIS (Internet Information Server), and is necessary to run an ASP / ASP.NET scripted website. A Linux-based platform is typically used for PHP, Perl, and most other types of websites. Basically, unless your website uses ASP (pages ending in the .asp extention), Windows hosting is not neccessary.

    Take a look at: . I’m sure it would work for you and fulfill all your requirements. They have a really great offer & I have used them for over 3 yrs now, and have never had a single problem with them. Their service is really great and easy to use.

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