
What advice can you give a soon to be live-in nanny?

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What should I pack??? I'm moving states. I'm SO excited and nervous, I leave next month. HELP!




  1. We have an au pair a   male one at that. He is great. He is friendly great with the kids and really has tried to be part of our family and enjoy his time in the states. I think what helps him the most is we have the "au pair " book it list all his duties, when to do it, and what we expect. Also all the rules about driving, cell phone use, etc. this has helped minimized the miscommunciation. Just talk and talk with your family get to know them and let them get to know you. Most importantly have fun.

       Just pack some of your favorite things you  might miss from your country like certain candies or package stuff. This way you can share your culture too. Pack summer and winter clothes as season change. Pack pictures of your family and loved ones. Good luck and have a great time.


  2. We used to have a live-in nanny, she was great (: You'll have lots of fun! We have a house-manager who trained our live-in nanny and gave her a check-off list which she was required to submit at the end of everyday. She traveled with us to France, Hawaii, Long Island, Nantucket, Nevus, Bermuda, Barbados, and Italy all expenses paid so she was really like part of the family.

    My advice to you is to relax and have fun with it! These kids will soon become your family and you will feel such a close connection to them. It has been 5 years since my dad dismissed our live-in nanny and I still email her everyday because she is like an older sister to me (I have 2 brothers but no sisters).

    Pack up your entire wardrobe, of course -- leave things behind that you would not like your employers or children to find. This includes tight shirts and low-cut dresses or short shorts. You want to look presentable always and suitable for little children.

    Your employers will most likely give you a "To-Do" list, or verbally tell you what to do. I would write down what they say verbally for future-reference (but only for the first week until you know the house rules). Respect their rules and wishes even if they are completely ridiculous!

    Basically the second you show up, your employers will be sizing you up and making sure you are good enough for them. I would wear something conservative but not too churchy the first day (like a collared shirt and jeans). They may even give you a uniform to wear, but they may not depending on the family. Give a firm handshake and direct eye-contact.

    The children will also be sizing you up and they will be able to tell if you are a soft pushover or serious about your job. If they disobey the rules, tell them firmly "No". However, don't be too strict or they WILL complain. Bring them each a gift perhaps (depending on their age). Toddlers especially love gifts!

    Good Luck!


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