
What advice do you have for when I study in London for a semester?

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I am studying at Richmond University in the Fall Of 2008. I have never been to England and I would like to know anything there is for kid to know.




  1. Well I'm a Londoner and I live in south west London (which is where Richmond is..) and I'd say the main things to remember are:

    1. British people, especially Londoners, tend to be quite reserved.  We're not rude or snotty, it's just our way.  We also like to drink a lot.  Again, just our way.  

    2. London is certainly a very fast paced city so be prepared.  As a comparison, when I went to New York I thought the city seemed to move at a snails pace.  Most frustrating.

    3.  London is not populated by 'foreigners'.  We're very much a multi-cultural country, much more than other countries, and we pride ourselves on mixing together different cultures.  Besides, Richmond tends to be populated by the white middle classes.

    4.  By your use of the world 'Fall' (which we call 'Autumn' over here), am I right to assume you're American?  If so, it's probably best if you try and steer away from the 'ugly American' stereotype as much as possible.  Don't speak ridiculously loudly, don't keep telling us how things are better in the states (because we really don't think so), of course we haven't all met the queen, don't even mention your country's foreign policy, that sort of thing.  The moment people realise you aren't like that they'll probably welcome you even more.

    5.  Like any big city, London isn't always the safest place to be.  Just make sure you use common sense.  Don't walk alone at nights in deserted areas, don't show off things such as mp3 players of mobile phones (aka cell phones) when in less than desirable areas, always keep an eye on your belongings in clubs, pubs and bars, etc.

    6. London is very expensive, and Richmond is certainly one of the wealthier areas, but you can do things to help yourself.  Use an Oyster card for public transport and buy weekly or monthly tickets as you'll save in the long run, go to chain pubs such as Weatherspoons as they tend to have offers on for drinks, buy clothes at places such as Primark which are uber cheap.  You'll soon learn the ropes.

    To be honest, if you just keep your wits about you and open yourself up to trying new experiences you'll be fine.  Hope this helps!

  2. Im going to a fashion college in london in september. Ive only been there once ages ago. I heard its a very hyper place... everyone is on the go. I guess you should be prepared for culture shock... take a good look at the tube map and get acquainted with the public transport... and make sure ur financially stable cause london is generally a pricey place to be. I heard tht when ur in london... it doesnt seem like an English place because of a lot of foreigners... so... yea... Just expect the unexpected. Im in the midst of preparing for tht myself. Good luck.

  3. While you are walking, keep your head low, because all the

    others are breathing ozone, while looking up in the air. <}:-})

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