
What advice....?

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What advice would you give to Bud Sielig If you could talk to him?




  1. Resign. Immediately.

  2. The team with the best regular season record should have home field advantage in the WS.  The whole "now it counts" thing with the All Star game is one of the dumbest ideas ever.  It was strictly for TV ratings, and really has nothing to do with the game.

  3. (1) make the small market teams spend the money they receive from the big spending teams on their payroll instead of pocketing the money....(2) either expand the AL by two teams or move the rockies to the AL west........(3) make the four post season teams in each league the ones with the four best records--arizona/dodgers getting in while either the cards, brewers,mets, marlins--with better records--sit home is a joke....(4) best regular season record gets WS home field advantage.

  4. fozzy should get the best answer.
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