
What advice would you give to a 19 year old?

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Any life experience that pops to mind - just let it out :)




  1. Enjoy your youth, and don't rush into any relationships just yet! You have all the time in the world to settle. Never let a guy stop you achieving your goals!

  2. Let go of your conditioning people have forced on you as soon as you possibly can, have a look at the influences before you let them affect you.

  3. There's no point in stressing about things you can't change.  

    When you're feeling overwhelmed:

    1)  Spaz out for a few minutes to get it out of your system.  

    2)  Step back from the situation, and look at it objectively (bounce ideas off another person, or write solutions down on paper).

    3)  Solve the problem/handle the situation to the best of your ability.

    4)  Take stock of the situation again.

    5)  Repeating the previous steps as many times as needed.

    For example - You have an important exam you have to pass, and don't feel you have enough time to study.  OK, not a problem; follow the steps.  Freak out for a few minutes (you're entitled).  Then, figure out exactly what needs to be done (quickly review these concepts, relearn those).  Once you know where you stand, things will be easier.  Study as much as you can, and stay focused on the goal - retaining the information.  Go take the exam; don't walk out of the room stressing about whether B was the right answer for #12.  (It's over; there's nothing you can do about it.)  Find out your grade on the exam, and where you stand overall in the class.  Repeat the steps above.

  4. Do not,under any circumstances get a credit card!!!

  5. Well at 19 the teenager is at the end of his/her teens. Its one of the transitions of life which you have to face as well as enjoy...well because..believe me..there are some things that can be done only at a certain age..

    Most importantly at 19 I think you should have a nice group of dependable friends , whom who are totally comfortable with so that you guys can have a blast....cause this time of your life will always be looked back with the fondest memories of your college life.

    Also this age shapes a very Important start of your future career, which you would be currently studying for. Again very Important decisions have to be made at this point of life.

    But that is just the beauty of this age..U have the Most fun and also you get screwed the most at this age.

    Just be yourself and have a blast so that when you are 50 and have 19 yrs old kids, you can proudly tell them about all your 19 year old stories proudly without any regrets...

  6. Work hard and start saving money early. The earlier you do, the more you will appreciate it when you're older.

  7. Although I'm still 18, I think I've learned quite some important things in this life.

    Success is a series of failure.

    Try not to become a man of success rather a man of value.

    It's not important what they think but what you think.

    The best teacher you can get is failure.

    Life is unfair.

    It's not on what you can gain but on what you can give.

    I didn't fail 1000 times but I've known 1000 ways that won't work.

    Never give up, you never know what you are looking for is just a day, an hour or a second ahead.

    That's the best I've got, those quotes are from famous people.

  8. Always act like you were a year younger.

  9. Choose a career that you really like, don't settle. When you are 40 with a mortgage and kids you don't want to feel stuck doing what you don't like just to pay the bills.

  10. Just be yourself- don't anybody put you down you are unique there will never be anyone like you .every again. Life is a journey; it has a beginning and a end make sure you enjoy each step and try to fulfill your dreams.

    Don't naive or too trusting of people- get to know them properly before taking the leap of faith.

    Your always growing and developing learn from your mistakes and become a better person.

    This is your life so live it in a way that leaves you feeling happy content and with little regret.

    Remember your family they are always there for you love them and respect them.

  11. Dress up and get a nice haircut; feel great about yourself.  

  12.     work hard and be good to ya mum

  13. Enjoy the full year, it is your last teenager year.  Prepare to be 20 and do as much (legal) stuff as you can afford and handle.  Make no long term commitments, and think before you leap. 5 minutes of thinking might just stop 20 years of child rearing.

    ENJOY.... ENJOY ...... and ENJOY.


  14. Find who will be an idle for ur life...and why...

    and just follow what they did...but not without any reason...

  15. Realise what limitations people are going to place on you and don't waste energy on people who are not going to give you jobs.  Work towards whatever will make you happy and don't be afraid to take a different route if it comes up in the pursuit of another goal.  Don't eat too much and treat your partner with respect - the day will come when you're old enough to wish you had more wisdom and it's too late to apologise.  

  16. useless thinking about the problems that you have right now like money and family problems even love problems cause they would eventually be solved in the coming days even if you do something about it or not, its just a process that we need to go through

    and that there is no good or bad really.

    and that it is better to be an atheist and love others than be a judgmental christian

    and that cats are the greatest pets in the world.

  17. Eat good food, not junk food.

    Shower every day.

    Culture true friendships; in a changing world they are constant.

    Enjoy this moment.

    When faced with what appears a tough decision, imagine yourself in ten years and ask yourself if it was the right one.

    Trust your instincts over logic every time.

    If you love someone, tell them. Regularly.

    When talking to children get down to their level and listen to them. You may be surprised at what you learn.

    There is no magic bullet/secret ingredient except you.

    You have as much right to be on this planet as any movie star/doctor/peasant/antelope/worm/priest...

    Be spiritual not religious.

    Have fun whenever you can.

    Treat mistakes as lessons, not millstones.

  18. if you're a girl, then keep your legs closed and finish school, don't get pregnant or HIV, it's so  prevalent nowadays, Especially with so many men being g*y on the down low catching HIV and giving it to their woman..

    if you don't have a career in mind, then just pick something that will pay the bills and keep you afloat until you do find that job  that's not a "job".

    PIck something that has you  a bachelors degree at the very least, consider where you live.  I'm a nurse, and nurses are paid will in Connecticut, california, maryland etc, but are not paid well in oklahoma, arkansas (oklahoma nurses make about 15 an hour with a four year degree, i've been told).

    Dont get satisfied  with what you think is a good paying job.  Things  will get more expensive.  I used to think that all i would need to be good  was 25 dollars an hour.  I make 30 and  that's not enough for supporting a family of 5 in the state of Connecticut.  You just break even after all the bills  and the dreaded taxes.  

    Start a 401 k plan as soon as you can, 20-50 dollars a week will be good for starters.  If you increase that amount  as your pay increases, you might be a millionare by the time you're 40(that will come very soon), and get some kind of AFLAC insurance that will pay you your salary if you get too  sick or injured to work for up to 2 years  or more.

    There's  so much more...Forget about the fun  for now.  use your youthful energies towards school...then when you're relatively young at 25-35 you can ball.

    before you buy a house, take a real estate's one semester long and  should cost around 500 dollars, but by taking it, you'll have enough knowledge to avoid 30,000 dollars in  costs and decrease your mortgage,  you'll see what i mean when you take the course.

    make sure you read up on some financial books.  Because even if you make good money, you can still squander it...Schools don't teach you financial  literacy, so you'll have to be responsible for that on your own.

    Don't know what else to tell you but good luck in life...

    if you're  a guy, follow  the above, with the exception of use your head on your shoulders not in  your pants.  You can get HIV too, and have a baby that you  better be responsible for

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