
What advice would you give to a Muslim...?

by  |  earlier

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who feels he/she is severely lacking in faith and who feels hopeless and ashamed?




  1. Salam for you. I will give advice to you :(1)learn and understand the 6 pillars of iman (belief) in Islam (2)learn and understand the 5 pillars of Is

    lam (3)learn and understand the holy Qur'an (4)learn and understand the hadits of Muhammad pbuh. After learning and understanding those items please discuss your understandings with an imam or islamic religion teacher for testing whether your understanmdings are right or wrong. .Then you must practise the right understanding of Allah's instruction and prohibition in your daily life such as salat or praying etc

    By practising it your faith will strengthened and you will feel full of hopes and pride to be a muslim

    Hopeless and shamed feelings are not allowed by Allah.We should be optimistic and do not ashamed because Allah had created us for love and help each other,make prosperity,avoid destruction and bloodshed

    There is no a single perfect human.We have favourable and unfavourab

    le condition.We need each other with the principle to take and give.

  2. there is a lot of advice.. but the number one i will tell u is..

    to not miss a prayer...  take my advice on that!

    and if ur feeling like ur lacking faith and feel hopeless... i'll tell u what helped me... reading a lot on islam, reading about what a women's job is in islam... and seriously taking it as truth, and understanding it.

    it is not easy when u try to steer urself into the right path and u get so many distractions... but u have to think of ur creator and how u only have one life, and then the next life... this life counts so much... would u really want to waste it away? thinking positive will always steer u to the right direction... inshallah.

  3. I am scholar of faith

    I hope I can help yo

  4. Jesus loves you <3 (the one who died on the cross for your sins)

    He does really love you. :)

  5. i wouldn't know where to begin.

  6. As an atheist/agnostic who was once a believer, I would say this is normal.  It's not unusual to lose one's faith as we grow, mature, and learn more about ourselves as individuals, science, and that the stories we were told weren't necessarily true.  Being without faith doesn't mean you are immoral.  You can still be a good person, and an outstanding human being without believing in god.  Don't feel hopeless or ashamed.  Allow yourself to explore your feeling and beliefs.  You will determine how to proceed.

  7. Ahh I'm going through the same thing...ish.

    Its a shame I could really use a good isolated mountain to just meditate in ya know? Just stay there for like a couple of weeks.

    But I guess researching the Quran and reading it and living it would probably be the best choice also ignore everyone else that tries to dissuade you. Because lets face it, it's better to be a muslim and be wrong then be a non-muslim in a muslim family and still be wrong. Namely your parents wont love you.

    And I say Quran and not the Hadiths, because the Quran comes first. I mean there are a lot of hadiths, and some of them don't make sense until you've experienced stuffs and well... I'm kinda rambling. I had a good reason somewhere but I seem to have misplaced in upon my persons. *sadface*

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