
What advice would you give to an adult living with her parents?

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I am over 30 and have been living with my parents as I recover from major surgery. They are very supportive, but the situation of course has its challenges, but not as many as I would face if living alone. I'd like to hear the kind wisdom of others on this situation. (I'll be moving out in the next year or two.)




  1. You are lucky to be able to do it at this time.  The support and company will aid you in your healing versus living alone for example.

    This may likely be a good time to repair old bridges or clear the air of old "issues".

  2. is that how long it will take to recover

  3. I lived with my parents until my early 30s (except for college).  Since your parents are supportive, perhaps you want to develop your identity as an independent adult.  Here are my ideas:

    1. As your health improves, gradually develop a fitness program you like.  This will give you more energy to do what you want to do (and you'll loook great!)

    2.  Have some hobbies to make things interesting:  playing an instrument, drawing, painting, reading, writing, sports, whatever you like.

    3.  When you're able, get a job--perhaps part time at first. Jobs are scarce now, but something will open up in time.  Trust me, it feels good to earn a paycheck--even a small one at first.

    4.  Socialize with your family and friends as you can. It helps keep you from feeling isolated.

    5.  Keep positive thoughts about your temporary living situation, and have goals for the future.  This will keep you motivated.

    6.  Finally, enjoy your time with your parents.  At some point, they will no longer be with you, and you can look back on these years with good memories.

    Best wishes!

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