
What advice would you give to newly wed couples?

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Aka Kev & Betty blue top...... lol




  1. my piece of advice would be good communication always fight fair and always be honest with eachother

  2. 1.  Never loose respect for each other.

    2.  Never take each other for granted.

    3.  Never lie to one another.

    4.  Never cheat on one another.

    5.  Always be open about things that bother you.

    6.  Never go to bed angry at each other.

    7.  Never put anyone {besides kids} before each other.

    8.  Never let the relationship go stale.

    9.  Always make life changing decisions together.

    10. Never involve other family members in disputes.

    Not necessarily in this order for everyone, but, I'd bet everyone has a list like

  3. do things u like to do together,love each other and always be able to talk to one another.

  4. trust each other

    listen to each other

    don't argue over the small stuff

    respect each other

    help and support each other

    talk about parenting and how you want to raise kids before you have kids

    appreciate each other and always say  please and thank you

  5. why did you do it?

  6. If you have an arguement, DONT go to bed until it is resolved.

    Learn to agree to disagree in circumstances where you cannot both agree on one thing.

    Always go to bed together, don't one of you stay up really late.

    Be faithful, trust each other, both help each other around the house etc, always do things together that keep the fun and spark in your relationship :)

  7. Don't forget to listen and

    if it's not going to bother you tomorrow than let it go....

  8. Hi Ms S

    Serious answer - keep your seperate bank accounts, pay a fixed contribution each into a household account and keep the rest of your money apart. Avoids all sorts of money arguments

    Also - take a holiday apart at least once a year. Gives you a few days to do other things.

    Not so seriously - handcuffs will keep him near

  9. when you have a disagreement, remember to be empathetic to the other person and put yourself in their shoes.

  10. From now on you will live together, Breathe together and symperthise together. I wish you happyness for the rest of your life and may you both live in piece.  

  11. Depends in what context you mean. Elaborate?..

  12. make sure he doesn't come with wild crazy party animal female friends.

    there is the guy who told me about the banana split.Guy POV

  13. never ever lie to each other keep the passion alive and always have time to listen to the other person.always kiss goodnight.

  14. have an afair straight away and get it over with

  15. No matter how hard it gets, always stay committed.

    Learn how to fight fair.

    Never give up, always try.

    Listen to what your partner wants and needs.

  16., trust and respect each other

    2....when you cussing or calling names do whatever it takes to make the marriage work

  17. Never go to bed on an argument.

  18. dont bother getting married

  19. Its too late?

  20. divorce, i don't know why anyone would

    marry a stick insect like him, they've been

    married a month now and he hasn't even

    dipped his wick :)

  21. Try and stay away from crazy Americans who want to lead you astray, they always get me into trouble with my Betty.

  22. always be honest. even if you think it will hurt their feelings

    don't get into debt.., goes with being real

    be real with life.

    remember to trust each other, no one else

    learn to apprecitate each other and learn "where they are coming from"

    keep an open mind

    settle the past, and leave it there

  23. Definitely take one day at a time and that marriage is full of bumps and sometimes bruises, but if your truely love and support each other, you can make it through almost anything.

  24. love and respect each other, trust each other and dont lie to each other.  be each other's best friend , put each other before anyone else (until the children come along)! talk and communicate and dont go to bed on an argument

  25. For the first year of marriage put a dried pea in a jar every time you make love. for the second year take a pea out every time you make love. See how long it takes to empty the jar.

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