
What advice would you give to our generation of teenagers?

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  1. take your time to discover life one delicious bit after another

    respect each other and the generations before you and after you

    pay more attention to the really important things in life (family, health, education, being a good person)

    minimalise the time you spend focusing on the shallow(er) aspects - fashion, hairstyle, am-i-pretty-and-popular. not ignore them, but don't overdo it :)

    remember to love rather than rather than criticise...listen rather than talk...

    and enjoy doing all

  2. Don't spend your life getting wasted.  There's a reason they call it wasted, its a waste of your life.  Be responsible for yourself, treat others well, do something worthwhile with your life so you can look back and say it was worth the struggles.

    Be a decent member of society, contribute to the solutions, not the problems.

  3. That your arents are on your side. Its not that they dont want you having fun but that they dont want the fun to cloud the work needed in order to have a good future.


  5. Git a job no one owes you anything!!!!!  LOL

  6. Nothing is EVER just given to you including someones respect.  You have to earn everything.

  7. Don't try to grow up too fast.  You never get this time back, so enjoy your possibly jobless, child-free days while you can.

  8. One must count on oneself and nobody else. If some don't start learning to be independent, a day will come and unless someone is there to help them, they won't know what to do.

    Being independent meaning no help from family, in-laws, or friends. We've done it so long that it actually irritates our family when we don't ask for help. Of course, when you ask for help, there is always an obligation or ultimatum standing by.

  9. Get over yourself.  most teens today feel entitled to things.  you aren't.  the world and society do not owe you anything.  you need to work hard to EARN your place in the world.  you deserve to be yourself, to be true to who you are, and to put forth some effort.  treat yourself and others with respect.  i'm 23 - i was just in your shoes - so i'm not out of touch with what things are like.  it's hard, but you'll never regret not doing drugs or not having s*x.

  10. its not cool to take drugs, have under age s*x, flop out of school, run away for no reason, get pregnant, steal, deal drugs and get atleast ten piercings on your face to show ure a chav.

  11. Be nice to people, treat everyone with respect.  It seems to me that being polite is a lost art-- and I'm not even old.  This goes for everyone, from the clerk in the store, to your teachers, to that weird kid in school.

    I wasn't always nice to the 'weaker' ones in high school and I really regret that.  I wasn't a bully, but I didn't always say nice things and I think that it's a shame that I could have had a negative impact on someone's life.  If you have a general policy of "be nice to people" you'll be happier yourself and people will respect you.

  12. shut your whiney pie holes!

  13. That no one but YOURSELF "owes" you anything.  Your parents are doing the best they can with what they have. It may not seem like it, but if they knew better, they would do different.  So, if you are unhappy with your life, TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for the work that is needed to get your own life in order. If your parents are not a good example for you,  seek out other adults who ARE.  

    Don't carry baggage from this time of your life into adulthood.  If you have trouble now, deal with it, NOW so that you dont have to deal with it later. This c**p just weighs you down...gets in the way of whatever dreams of a good life you may have.  Dont be afraid to take risks that will help you become the best person you can be. I'm not talking about using drugs or sexual exploits. I'm talking about taking the risk, for example, of getting all A's and B's without worrying what your friends or family says or does not say.  Strive to succeed, for YOU...this is YOUR LIFE.

    The things that seem important today, like what kind of clothes you wear, who your friends are, whether people like you or not....these things are NOT important in the long run.  Avoid gossip. It is poison to the soul. There will ALWAYS be those who have MORE than you and those who will have LESS.  Practice random acts of kindness...not matter what.  Thanks for giving me the chance to share my experience.

  14. Don't do drugs, stay in school and stop terrorizing our streets, you give the good teenagers like me and others bad names.

  15. No matter what, always stay true to yourself.

  16. What I would advise any generation of teenagers. Study hard, get a profession, get a good job, become a good citizen, respect and help others.

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