
What advice would you like to give to the hopeless people ?

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day by day life in becoming complicated , no more energy is getting

for facing the complicated problem.




  1. My advice to the hopeless people is they should develop some taste in life. They should have sense of belonging. They should feel oneness. They should try to unite all positive forces and divide all negative forces. They should hold more responsibility than others expect from them. They should really try to know their full potentials. They should try to know in the given circumstances what best they can achieve in this life. They should take less and give more. They should feel for others who are oppressed. They should show concern to the depressed. They should show interest in serving distressed and downtrodden people. They should care for the weaker sections sufferings. Thus they can do. Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached is the saying of Swamy Sri Vivekanandaji.

  2. I will not try to give any advice to any people either hopeless or not, but I will certainly want to share some idea on this issue. See human lives with hope and when when hope dies human dies not physically but as social being.

    From my belief and faith no human is hopeless. But some points of time at some juncture of life person things (s)he is finding no hope. But it is very temporary state.

    Do you feel even hopeless human (self announced) also has hope at some point. Yes, sometimes it would appear that we are in frustrating state.

    Actually, human society was always complicated and always having problems, tension and conflicts. Only forms of the problem changes, nothing more.

    Mahavir, Gautom Buddha, Jesus, Mohhamod, Ghandi and all humanists always shrived for better society. Problem was there and till now.

    We all will face problem to solve or reduce the tension. It is better to accept the problematic situation and face it as our ancestors did.

    Ask self what to do? Situate self in the problem solving task, initiate, and keep the momentum.

    Probably better solution will come from you and others.  

  3. Keep hopes, when there is will then there is way. If there is dark in universe then there is a ray showing the path out.

  4. I would like to make two points.

    Firstly, I think at the root of hopelessness lies an erosion of self belief. Just as erosion happens through repeated failures, the answer lies in recalling successes and thinking more about them. In the wake of current failures, we forget our past successes. I think we need to consciously recall them from the past, refresh our memory and the more we dwell on them, the better for rebuilding self belief.

    Secondly, we have a habit of looking at the problems in totality and getting overawed by the combined enormity they present...... as though all the problems need to be solved right now. Breaking problems into segments or items and taking them on one by one helps a lot in regaining mental strength to handle them. Once they are broken up into several pieces, the problems no more look so solidly immovable. One of the ways to break even a single problem into pieces is to examine what is the first step to start solving it. It is surprising how this 'first few steps' technique really rejuvenates our enthusiasm and rekindles the hope that perhaps the problem is not really all that an uphill task. Yes, this technique has the capability to remove the feeling of hopeless lethargy and diffidence in tackling any major problem, whether personal or professional or social or business-related.

    Hope the above helps you.

  5. Hang in there.   If they are religious, I tell them to write down all their problems and stick them in their Bible.  Let God worry about them.   He doesn't sleep.   In time He will help you solve them.  

    One gal I told that to did it and got right to sleep after she did it.  Six months later her hubby found the list in the Bible and she had to explain what it was.  Fortunately, he wasn't on the list.   He still looked confused and said "But these have all been solved."  

    She took the list and read it and he was right.  Every one of the problems had been resolved somehow.  The biggest one (not liking where they had been transferred to) was solved when her hubby asked to be transferred back to their home town and they gave it to him.    

  6. Remember you're not alone and that thought will comfort your sorrows.

  7. If an individual doesnt have the means to help, he should strive to seek help from the community, the media or the govt--let the peoples' plight be known by phone call, letters, e-mail, etc. Any small action will breed further positive ones. Rounding up a few helpful relatives and friends may help you make your job easier.

    Provide moral support to those who have lost homes or family members through natural disasters or jobs. Counselling is often useful. Then encourage them to hold on. Patience and further tolerance can work magic. Regards.  

  8. I think this is the greatest opportunity to turn towards God and Realise yourself!

  9. There is always hope and so there are no hopeless people. Its the energy level which needs continious monitoring and upheaval.

    Life is never complicated, Its "WE" Who makes it complicated and hence looses its charm and energy.

    Move in the direction of "TRUTH" and you will never face any complications in life.


  10. live free for faith not dignity

  11. I'd say keep trying, eventually everything will work out.

  12. Always remember, this too shall pass.  I had a life threatening illness, lost use of my legs and an arm.  I wasn't certain I would recover and was told I probably wouldn't walk again.  I kept saying to myself the promise that "this too shall pass" and it did.  Nothing lasts forever, not even challenges, problems or obstacles, change is inevitable.  The key is to believe that things can only get better or that good will come of it.

  13. just go thro the largest selling book in the world  ie The Holy Bible

  14. Keep faith on God and do the best of your capicity--good days and bad days come like days and nights. Go ahead with strong will power-succeed you must.

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