
What affect would no mow have on gas consumption?

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What would be the results be if unneccesary grass cutting was stopped. How much fuel is used on mowing highways and other non essential places. Granted other forms of work would have to be developed to keep workers employed and safety measures put into place. I think the fuel savings would be enormous. What about you??




  1. i was using about 3 litres to do an acre last year. i finally managed to persuade my aged papa to let me find a horse to graze it again, so now we have a cute neighbors pony to do the job for me. i know she is probably farting but she would have been eating other grass elswhere so i think i can discount that in my energy saving calc.

    and i get free horse poo! hooray!

    i still have to do the lawn, but last year i left about half of it as a 'wildflower meadow' (neat re-classification of 'weeds').  when i did mow it back for the winter i had to go over it a couple of times, but i still managed to cut total mowing time (and therefore fuel) to about 2/3.

    as for verges, they get done twice a year here, and it is nessecary, or scrub would form and hang over road.

  2. Cutting the grasses by hand might be a cheaper option here pretty soon. Not cutting the grass could create fire situations though.

    Have the inmates out there with sicles, or someting.

  3. Yes, what we need are more things outlawed by the greenies.  How about we outlaw bike riding, because bicycle tires require petrolium in their manufacture?  Why not outlaw vineyards, because that is area that could be used for growing corn as a source of "alternative fuel."   Or maybe we can outlaw any travelling to bird watching areas, because that uses fuel, and is in no way a necessity?   Like those ideas too?

  4. how about switching from gas mowers to the kind you push to make the blades spin, this would require more workers, yet use less fuel.

    Also "weed wackers" can be electrical and charged using solar  energy.

    so i guess My answer is that I support your idea but with a better placement.

  5. the grass would get very tall and cause a possible fire hazard.

    maby we could bail it and feed the cattle.

    i think a lot of gas could be saved just by planning your trips better and do all your shopping at one time....

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