
What affects did slavery have on black families then and now ?

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Why are there so many fatherless homes among black families ?

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  1. I think a lot of those black guys that leave those women with babies just don't have the right mindset. They don't respect women or know the importance of a child having a father in their lives and they obviously just don't care. I see them on TV sometimes using this bs excuse "I didn't have a father in my life" well then you should know how hard it is not to have one right? It's just stupid and irresponsible. I don't think rap helps either. That'll teach you how to love your woman (sarcasm).

  2. Slavery had a devastating and long lasting effect on black families.  Families were separated and sold to the highest bidder.  Males were used as "studs" to reproduce with as many females as possible.  Females were the heads of the families.  After slavery, Jim Crow laws in the South did not allow for much advancement, so many men migrated to the North, so many in fact that it is called the Great Migration, further causing separation.  

    Despite all that, marriage amongst blacks was still higher then it is now.  In the 70's and 80's drug addiction caused a fatal blow to many blacks living in the cities.

  3. After slaves were freed there was nothing for the black people set up to where they could get a job or housing plans.

    Then when Lincoln died and Johnson took office, he tried everything in his power to try and stop any black program that gave them assistance since they had nothing after they were freed.  He was plain old racist.  There are actual records of him repeatedly refering to blacks as n*ggers and saying how much hatred he had for them.  He was impeached which was a pretty good thing.

    Being a black guy, I am not trying to be racist or anti-black or anti-white but I think the reason why people tend to look down on black americans is because we JUST got our freedom when everyone else had 1776 and up to build themselves up.  Blacks were freed not to long and even after we were freed, we went through a host of racial laws that made it nearly impossible for lacks to vote, visit public places and most black school institutions were a joke simply because they lack funding from the government.  Black people didn't start getting the exact same opportunities as blacks until around the late 60s to early 70s.  Before then segregation crippled the united states by creating racial tension and hatred for one another.  

    Also in the early 1900 a lot of black people that went communist simply because the capitalist system didn't want black people.  A strong, common argument the communist would make against the US would be "How can you sit here and say your country is the free one and the most righteous when you treat blacks like second class citizens  and do nothing but make them miserable."  In a lot of communist propaganda programs they would often show a black guy going into a white institution and getting beaten up badly and thrown out and then saying "See how those savage americans treat their own citizens?"

    The segregation movement was not a long time ago.  There was just a supreme court case in North Carolina that was around late 90s to early 2000s when a black school wasn't recieving the same funding as a majority white school when both were the exact same size and the same programs.

    Being a black guy I feel that the reason why black people haven't risen much is because we just got our freedom and we are now just starting to get treated like equals.

    I am glad now that racism has died down quite a bit but a few ignorant people still hold on to their superiority beliefs.  This is pretty evident especially in the culture section of Y!Answers.  

    There are still a lot of racist rural towns in the south.  Trust me, I know because I been there and I was so scared I was close to pissing on myself.  No joke!  I was turning my neck at every corner and watchng my back constantly.   One time when I was there I made friends with a white kid and HE even told me that the people in the community didn't like black people so we had to hide from everyone when we were hanging out so we wouldn't get harrassed for "intermingling" with each other.  Trust me, it was not a very fun experience to have.  The best part was making a new friend there.  At least in the rural the parents are racist but most of the kids have no problem with black people.  The kids have to put on a show for the parents.

    We need to learn to love EVERYONE and hope that we can all live in peace and harmony.

    P.S.  Rap music is not the only music blacks listen to.  There is also hip hop(dance music) and R&B.  I listen to everything from rap to rock to even country music.  I will even listen to techno and pop.  Music is music to me and I tend to appreciate all forms.  I am the type of person to have a Nickelback CD right next to a Kanye West one.  I listen to everything.  There is also a lot of rock music that demeans women. Particularly Nickelback does it a lot but that doesn't stop people from loving them.  When a rap song does it is is automatically wrong.  NEITHER genre should be demeaning women.  If you think Nickelback doesn't demean women then you obviously have not heard quite a few of their songs like getting blowjobs from cokeheads and recieving handjobs while driving.

  4. Well, I don't know how it may had effected families then, but slavery doesn't effect my family now. I think that slavery has nothing to do with these losers leaving their kids and so on. They are simply losers, and these women need to be more careful with who they lay down with. If these women would be more careful and use more caution before actually getting involved with someone , then this probally wouldn't be the case.

  5. When slaves were sold, they often times were separated from their families and sadly the effects of those actions are still being felt today by African-Americans ! The family unit was and is in such disarray that it's almost impossible to put a finger on any reason why the trend continues.

    African-American men have been and are now under siege in America. They are often times referred to as menacing or scary and that plays a part in some black men securing good paying jobs. Without the financial means to raise a family, most black men simply walk away from their families.

  6. If by then, you mean 1865 when the civil war ended, it wasn't until after that that a regular practice of blacks being truly married was documented anywhere.  So the practice of being legally married in their society is relatively new.  That may have some account for the perceived need to be or not be of being married to some of them, I don't know.  Today, it's more like what the black male can get away with in the modern society as to how many women he can bed down, it seems.  With entitlements such as welfare and other means of assistance, it seems many of them tend to rely on the government to furnish provisions for their women and children and think nothing or little of the morals involved and associated with "doing the right thing" by marriage.

  7. THEN-

    1- Kunta got his foot cut off for runnin away.

    2- Kunta gets a whippin for back talkin.


    1- Kunta gets an $8000.00 set of 24's on a $800.00 car  and drives away.

    2- Kunta gets a pat on the back, 2.5 million, and an award for singin about a  'knappy headed ho'

    In so far as why there is so many fatherless homes among black families... genetics?

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