
What age SHOULD a woman have a baby?

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Despite how old you were when you have a baby, what age do you think women should start having babies? Just curious to see what people have to say about this.




  1. When ever they can be able to take care of the baby and support the baby in every way possible. I would say probably around late 20's maybe 26 or so!

  2. Whenever they are ready for it.I was 21 & it was the perfect time for me.Wouldn't change it for anything.Not to mention,there will never be a 'perfect' time.It is different for everyone.

  3. The age at which they are financially and emotionally prepared.

  4. I think you should have your children young (as in 20 or 21 years old) because its nice to be young with your kids and be able to play and have fun with them. I think too young is 18 and younger and  too old is 35 and older...but about 20 or 21 is a good time...but realistically it depends on your maturity level..

  5. I think when the women is mature enough to handle a baby and take care of baby financially(and no I'm not saying make millions of dollars but they/or hubby/boyfriend do need to have some kind of income),and be able to put baby in front of themselves,and fulfill baby's needs over theirs(like not going clubbin or to bars or parties every night while someone ELSE watches their baby.

    All in all I would probably say maybe 20?? I cant really say a certain age but as long as they know that their life becomes all about baby and baby's life,and needs then I think they are old enough to have a baby.

    I had my first daughter at 17(2 months shy of turning 18) and I never went out partying or anything like that and I was always home with my daughter(except for when I worked) and put her in front of myself at all matter how sleep deprived I was and how hard it was to raise a baby at that age I still did it...I had my second daughter at 20(4 months before I turned 21) and I was not the least bit worried about being able to go to a bar...I stayed at home with both my daughters and enjoyed my birthday with them.Now 7 months pregnant with baby #3 and I am due 1 month before my bday and couldn't think of a better birthday present then this baby and my daughters.

    I guess I'm saying when people can do this then they are ready for a baby,because once you have a go out the window and baby is your new life,not saying you have to give up on everything you ever wanted to do because I've done plenty with my daughters right by myside and never had a problem accomplishing these things that I wanted to do.

  6. Personally i think late 20's early 30's are a good time to start a family. To early and you havent had the early 20's fun and to late you could risk your health and you childs. But everyone is different!

    My Favorite Qoute:

    " There's never a 'perfect' time to have a baby. Realistically, some times are better then other, but if you keep waiting for the perfect time, you'll be waiting forever"

  7. i believe doctors say the prime age is between 22 and 28. Women are maturing earlier these days.

  8. I had one when i was young and it was great i could do alot with her and ten i had one when i was 31 and it was hard on me it still is and it was hard on my body so i thank you should have them when you are about 25 are so  that way you can do stuff with them.

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