
What age are babies considered as toddlers?

by Guest44951  |  earlier

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My Baby just turned 1 few days ago.




  1. usually around 18 months on,a little way to go yet,try to keep him/her a baby a little longer,they grow too fast as it is.

  2. 12 months

  3. She's a toddler :)

    I considered my daughter a toddler once she turned 1, around the same time she started to "toddle" around.

    Happy birthday to your little girl.

  4. I know that from a daycare standpoint the children enter the toddler room when they turn 1.  

  5. if she/he is walking then welcome to toddlerhood, if not when she/he does start walking then they are a toddler. no specific age, as long as they are toddling. i still consider my little one a baby and she is 18 months now and has been walking since she was almost one.

  6. I think everyone says something different.

    But - I would start to call a baby a toddler when they start toddling - whether that was at 8 months or 1.5 years.

  7. When she started walking is when I consider them toddlers. Congrats  

  8. id say about 4

  9. 18 months - or when they start to toddle!!

    She's v. cute!!!


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