
What age can I introduce some herbs and spices into babies food?

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Not sugar and salt but things like garlic powder and basil, etc.... I make my baby her own food but I just want to know what age is ok to start introducing things like that.




  1. Contrary to what some commercial baby food manufacturers would like you to food does not have to be bland and uninteresting! But the thought of "spicy" baby food is worrying to some parents - will it give their baby a terrible stomach ache or cause an awful bout of diarrhea?

    Certainly we wouldn't advise mixing herbs and spices into your baby's first foods - aside from the danger of introducing two new foods simultaneously (and therefore being unable to tell which is the culprit if your baby subsequently suffers from an allergic reaction), it's kinder on your baby's developing digestive system to start off with a simple, single ingredient such as mashed avocado, sweet potato or infant cereal.

    But once your baby is happily accepting solid foods, then he may welcome certain spices (think aromatic, rather than hot), herbs and garlic in his meals. The addition of these seasonings is a healthy way to add some extra flavour (remember that you should not add salt to your baby's food) - and a sprinkle of herbs or a dash of spice can turn a plain and uninspiring dish into something exciting that your baby may really enjoy!

    Remember - treat herbs, spices and garlic as you would any new food. You can introduce them from 6 months of age, but they should be introduced separately, following the four day rule and with the consent of your child's doctor. If there is a family history of food allergy, or if your baby has a "delicate" digestive system and is prone to upset tummies, then you may prefer to delay the introduction of herbs and spices for another few months at least.

    Giving your baby spices and herbs - what are the benefits?

    Besides adding an interesting dimension to the simplest dish, herbs and spices offer health benefits of their own. Here are some examples

    Cinnamon has been used across the world for medicinal purposes for many years. It is an excellent source of manganese, iron, fibre and calcium. Cinnamon supports the digestive system and can kill "unfriendly" bacteria like E. coli. (please note, however, that cinnamon is a potential allergen, so it should be introduced with care with your doctor's consent. You may prefer to delay the introduction of cinnamon altogether if there is a family history of food allergy). If you prepare any of your baby's food with cinnamon, don't forget to take a sniff... the scent is said to boost brain function!

    Garlic is a powerful anti-oxidant.

    Turmeric has anti-oxidant properties.

    Cumin helps support the digestive system.

    Coriander is classified as both a herb and a spice, because its leaves and seeds are used. It is a great source of magnesium, manganese, fibre and iron.

    Nutmeg has a soothing effect on an upset tummy.

    Ginger is also great at calming upset tummies, which is why it's commonly recommended as a "cure" for morning sickness. It protects the body against bad bacteria and also helps eliminate gas from the intestines!

    Spicy baby food ideas

    Try adding a little dash of nutmeg to cooked or pureed vegetables - it compliments them really well! Nutmeg and cinnamon pair up perfectly with apple dishes, including baked apples and purees.

    Add a little ginger to cooked carrots - the result is absolutely delicious! Ginger also tastes great with mashed bananas.

    Try mixing a little sage with your baby's veggies for a lovely, warm flavour.

    Chives, with their mildly "oniony" flavour, are delicious on a baked potato topped with cheese.

    The possibilities and combinations are, of course, endless. Experiment a little and see which flavours your baby prefers (observing the four day rule). And remember - by broadening your baby's palate now and introducing him to a wide range of new tastes, you are far less likely to encounter problems with "fussy feeding" later on.

  2. It's actually fine right at 6 months...though some will say to wait until 8. Breast fed babies especially enjoy spice as they are use to it from mom's breast milk.

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