
What age can I start gymnastics?

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My sister is 15 and wants to really wants to start gymnastics, but has no previous experience. She doesn't want to be stuck with a load of screaming 4 year olds. Is it ok or even possible to start gymnastics at this age and actually get anywhere with it, coz I know she really wants this but is a little shy to ask about it ?




  1. yes it is possible to start gymnastics at that age and with people your age. because the screaming 4 year olds are the people that are going t be trainded all their lives to become eleite gymnasts. So you will be able to, but i just hopeyou don't have you heart set on cometitions or something because then you should have been one of those screaming 4 year olds because an elite gymnasts carer usually ends about 20-25, well thats what i've been told.

    Hpe it helped.

  2. 4,5 years is best for gymnastic

  3. Many start at a younger age like 4 or 5, so it might be a little difficult for your sister at first. But if this is something that she is truly dedicated to and she's already somewhat flexible not to mention a fast learner, she should be just fine starting out at the age of 15!  

  4. depends on where and whos doing it

  5. Many start around 4 or 5

  6. it does depend on where but , without any experience everyone has to start at the beginning with gymnastics it does depend on skill not age and knowlege. she will mostlikely be stuck with younger girls, not all of them 4 but all beginners, it wont matter tho cause you can move up levels quickly if you work hard and at 15 your muscles are alot stronger than the younger ones so you will quickly pass them

  7. 5 would be the ideal age.

  8. if she really want to learn, just go n learn. it's never too late!!

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