
What age can a person start working?im 14 and i want 2 start working as soon as possible?

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  1. i think u could start working.  i was 13 when i got my first job.

  2. I was 14 when I started my first official job working in a service station.  OK, that alone should give you an idea how long ago that was.  It was 38 years ago and I worked for $1.10 an hour.  I thought I was rich making $125 a week.  I was in West Virginia at the time.  You may need a work permit signed by your parents and your school principal but it can be done.  Good luck, I hope you get everything you're wanting.  It's great to get an early start on a good work ethics.

  3. you can start waitressing at the age of 14. hours will be limited and so will the pay but you will get tips. Congrats on wanting to work...many people don't:)

  4. You are old enough. You will need to get working papers from your school. There will be restrictions to the hours you can work and the type of work you can do.

  5. You can start working if you get permission from your parents (written) and sometimes your school must also give approval. You will be very limited in the hours you can work and the jobs you can take.

    You can probably do better with cutting lawns, washing cars,

    washing 2ND story windows.  More people are willing to buy services than you'd suspect.  Shopping for people is a service many would like to have, once they are given the idea.

    If you are willing to do all of these things and other simple services you will find a good client base very quickly.  And if you do it well you will probably be able to hire a friend to help with all the tasks, in which case you could manage to charge him a percentage of the take for the jobs you get him.  (old country phrase from my grandfather "Nobody gets rich using just ten fingers.)

  6. I know you can start working at chikfila starting at age 14, but I'm not sure thats true about other fast food places.

  7. I understand your desire to work and make money.. it hasn't been that long since I have been a teen but enjoy your childhood.. When you get to be an adult and you HAVE To work JUST to live and buy food, etc.. you will look back and say "why was I in such a hurry to grow up".. You still have a good 55 years ahead of you to work and most of that, you will have to work for slave wages and pay the govt most of that for taxes so be a teen and have fun.. That being said.. have you tried jobs like babysitting, pet walking/sitting, etc.. helping with housecleaning/laundry for people.. These jobs pay cash and don't have to be reported..more money in your pocket.. you can set your own hours and won't  have to get a work permit

  8. Dude..



    that's the only place i know.

    i'm gonna start working there in Septemeber when i turn 14.


    helpness :]

    Delilah Damage! x<3

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