
What age can kittens go outside on their own?

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Without being watched & looked after.?




  1. Get a leash and let them walk around for a couple of weeks while they are about 5-7 months old. Go out every day during daylight to let him/her get use to the outside world. When you DO let the cat out on it's own, bring it in every night until you feel comfortable leaving it outside. In other words, you should ween it of it's indoors environment and let it get use to the outside world.

  2. Cats that live indoors live longer, healthier lives. Statistically, the life span of an indoor cat averages 12 to 14 years, whereas it is only about four years for the outdoor cat. More than 1 million outdoor cats are killed each year by dogs, traffic, and exposure to disease. In the long run, keeping your cat indoors will also save you money in vet bills.

    There are many risks that come with letting your cats roam free outside:

    - They have a much higher chance of catching diseases and other illnesses such as: Feline Leukemia (FeLV), Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), Feline Herpes Virus (Rhinotracheitis), Feline Distemper, Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), rabies, tapeworm, ringworm, heart worm, hypothermia and urinary tract infection

    - Ingesting chemicals or poisons such as pesticides, home garden products and car/motor products

    - Getting fleas or ticks

    - Injury/death due to dangerous traffic

    - Eating poisonous spiders, insects or plants

    - Injury/death due to cruel humans, hunters or neighbors

    - Attacks from dogs, other cats or wild animals

    - Other accidental injuries

    - Getting lost or stolen

  3. If your nic was true, you wouldn't be asking this.  Kittens should NEVER be out and NOT be watched and looked after!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Unless you live on a farm and know for a fact they can go out for a short time and be ok...have shelter, water, food at all times.......Getting them fixed so they don't breed.  But........they will be prey to wild animals and dogs.......and honestly should not be out except for a short time so you can watch them.

  4. they can go outside after they are fully vaccinated, spayed and neutered and over 4 months of age, but preferably older.

    Cats should be kept indoors at all times for their health and safety.

  5. 35 years old

  6. I let my kittens outside by 6 or 7 months. They could probably have gone out sooner but there's always a risk they could fall or otherwise get injured. Oh, and I don't ever let them out at night for fear of coyotes and such.

  7. In my opinion, never!!! Indoor pets live longer than outdoor pets - it's a fact. They don't have to worry about other animals (cats or dogs) or wild animals (coyotes, skunks), diseases, cars, motorcycles, rabies, bb guns, etc. Plus, you won't have to worry about whether or not they are safe - they're safe already in your house!

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