
What age can you legally move out in the United Kingdom?

by  |  earlier

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Legally at what age are you able to move out in England, without your parents consent?

Also where do you think would be a good place for a first time buyer?

Thanks x




  1. 16, but you have to be able to prove that you can pay the bills in wherever you move to. I would personally try findig a small flat first, if it's ionly to get away from home. Try asking friends to move with you, to cut down bills.  


    Nope it's 16 without. You would have to say how much your getting paid into the bank every month or something like that. You would need bank statements to prove that you have enough money going into your account to pay for your rent

  2. the legal age is 16 :)

  3. As far as I am aware it is 16 with parents consent because you are not classed as an adult until you are 18.  I had a look on Direct Gov but couldn't find a definitive answer to your question, but I did find a very useful link that may give you some advice about leaving home...

    Some useful info from Direct Gov here as well...


    Ok I just did a little more searching and the age at which you can legally leave home without your parents permission is 18....lots of info here...

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