
What age can you legally start working? and How many hours can you work?

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What age can you legally start working? and How many hours can you work?




  1. you can work at sometimes the age of 15 or 16 or 17 maybe 16 at some food markets and for maybe  like 3 hours or 5 or 4.

  2. you can work at any age in entertainment legally and get a paycheck, or in a farm, i think you can work at 16 and no more then 40hrs combined with going to school

  3. Hi There,

    Good Post!  I love everything about business, escpecially the marketing and advertising parts.  These things make or break a business.  I've found many ways to advertise my business that might help you.  If you have a website, try SEO and PPC (pay per click from Google Adwords).

    If you advertise your business offline, try handing out flyers, printing coupons, and yellowpage advertising).

    The best method I've found yet is to buy business cards and hand them out everwhere.  I buy them from a place online that gives the cards for free and only charges for shipping and handling.  I hand these out to everyone I meet, and I leave them on cars where ever I go (I also got a free business card holder that looks really impressive)!

    Take care and good luck with your business!

  4. i started working and im 15

  5. I think it all depends on where you live. Some states have different laws. It also depends on where you want to work, because the rules of different places are different also. In some places though, you can start working at fourteen, but chances are no one will hire you until you're at least sixteen. You have to get a working permit though, which you can get at your school's guidance office. When youre a minor (under 18), you can only work up to 20 hours a week, and (I believe) 6 hours a day. If you're over 18, you can work full time, or about 40 hours a week.

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