
What age can you start apprenterceship at skillstrain (is it after gcsc's)>>>??

by  |  earlier

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and can u do apprentership in skillstrain for it while ur doing .. A levels

and what are the estimated fees for skills train if any one knows




  1. You can start an apprenterceship after GCSE so age 16.

    You can do one through college where you learn 1 day a week (at colledge) and work with your aprentiship for 4 days a week and of course 2 days a week of :)

  2. Err...I reckon you mean GCSEs (not gcsc's).

    The rest I don't know without searching for a skillstrain website (if you're taking GCSEs/A Levels, we're obviously on opposite sides of the world!).

    If I was you though, my first thought would be to search for a skillstrain website or phone number and then contact them direct to ask my questions.

    I am just wondering if you have tried contacting them to ask your questions for yourself? And if not, why not?!

    If you're not sure where to go, either click on or paste the following:;jsess...

    There you should be able to find all the sites you need to answer your questions and/or give you the contact details for the necessary and relevant skillstrain officials who can answer your questions for you.

  3. yes age 16

  4. Hi u an start apprenticeship in certain fields after gcse.

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