
What age did you child start/stop playing with a train table?

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We bought a train table for our daughter when she was about 2. She played with it a lot. Over the last 3 years it has been off and on. It takes up a lot of space so I am considering getting rid of it. I don't think she'd care, but I wanted to check the "age" group that usually plays with train tables. I would hate for her to want it a year from now and it be gone.




  1.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        3-11

  2. My 4 - year - old son still loves his, as does my 7 - year - old nephew (and my 35 - year - old husband).  Perhaps boys tend to be more into it than girls.  My general rule is that if they go 6 months without being interested in a toy, I get rid of it.  Otherwise, our house would resemble an overcrowded Toys R Us.

  3. My son stopped playing with his trains at about 4 and 1/2.  He' six now and hasn't had any interest in them since.

  4. My 29yo Husband still plays with his.

    I say leave it. I know they take up the space, but my kids all love theirs (we have 2).

    Or if you could move it into another room, and leave it there for awhile. See if she misses it.

  5. Boys usually play with it longer.  I had the train set but not the table and my girls lost interest around 5.

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