
What age did you move out?

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What was it like? How long did it take for the new place to feel like home? Did it change you alot as a person?




  1. 19. first time not comfortable. almost can't sleep for whole week.

    start the second month i just can feel like it's my second home. from my experience change all my personality

  2. when i went to college: at 18, almost 19

  3. Which time?

  4. 21 is when I found myself a place to live. I got married at 26 to a wonderful guy. Now we both live together

  5. 18.  It wasn't really that big of a deal.  I lived in a dorm room so it took a while to feel like home.  I mean, it was an 11x14 box with a bathroom down the hall and no kitchen that I was sharing with another guy.  We made the best of it though.  And boy did I change.  The person I was at the end of the summer after my senior year of high school and the person I was at the end of the summer after my freshman year of college are completely different people.  So be ready.

  6. 15, i just lived wherever someone would take me in. it was nice, but at the same time it sucked!

  7. the frist time i move out was when i was 18 with my ex it didn't feel like home to me and it did change me alot as a preson because he was abuse to me. Then I might my husband and I move out again at 18 going on 19. it didn't take long for the new place to feel like home but i miss my mom a lot even though i see her a lot lol. but i wouldnt' change it for the world.  

  8. i moved out when i found out i was pregnant at 17 and it took a while for it to feel like home again but then if you ain't got some body to share it with it can kind of get lonely but i had my child and a dog and a cat to keep me company but i tell people not to rush on moving out so quick take your time my cousin is 24 and she just moved out of my aunts house so don't rush take your time take some stuff to the new place and spend a couple nights there and then go back to your parents house and take time getting use to the place. yes it did change me alot as a person because i felt grown and didn't have to follow any curfew that parents set but i still missed home being annoyed by my younger brothers and sisters  but it was fun to be on my own

  9. When i went to college at 18

  10. 18. Two months, It makes you realize the real hardships in life and gives you a better sense of responsibilty.  

  11. I'm 17, and I'm in the process of moving out.  It takes a while for a place to feel like home.  Whether or not it changes you depends on whether or not you're living alone, living with someone else, etc.  I'm living on my own and I've changed for the better; I've became much more independent.

  12. Since I went to college. It took me about 1/2 a year to accustom to everything. I learned to take care of myself and how to be brave. I love being independent.

  13. 19

    it was scary, but i had saved a lot of money to i was ready

    i went to school, so met a lot of people in same situation

    did it change me? i honestly think it saved my life. it was an abusive home that i grew up in, so it was perhaps a bit different than the 'norm'

  14. when I was 20.. i moved out with my cousin, we rent our fist apartment... that was a hard time because we learned how to be an independent persons... but was the best step i made!

  15. 15  never felt like home until I married a year later and moved again and no it didn't change me at all I just didn't have mom looking over me all the time

  16. I was 16 and it took about 2 months till it felt like home again

  17. When I was 18.  It took about 3 or 4 weeks for the new place to feel like home.  I moved back in a year and 2 weeks later when I was 19.  The boyfriend that I had became more controlling when we lived in that apartment together.  

  18. Stay at home as long as possible and save your money.Pay your parents a little bit every month eg:$300.00 a month to keep you around.Dont ever move until they kick you out and you have a big fat bank account.

  19. 18. it was hard packing up all the stuff and moving it. it didn't take very long, i moved in with my boyfriend. it really did change me as a person.

  20. 19 but I moved in with my married sister when my mother left my alcoholic and abusive father. It never felt like home because it was hard for me to not feel guilty since my sister had JUST gotten married. My mom had gone to live with her best friend (due to the fact that my sis lived in a 2-bedroom apartment) and I REALLY felt like I was invading my sister's new life. She NEVER complained because I helped out, plus, I had a part-time job AND was in my first year of college. It changed me forever but it also was the beginning of my dad's walk to sobriety. I would do it again but would make sure I took steps to make sure I finished school. I never made it past my first year but at least I have a work ethic that I am proud of.  

  21. As far as I am concerned I have completed 71 years of my age.  And when I have an occasion on my life I can calculate that I had been shifting on from one idea to another and much changes came in my life and even now I can change if an occasion comes to me.

  22. 18 moved out had job and bought all the things before hand to live with as it turned out instead of moving out i got married and moved out and it was ok you learn alot and grow up its nice being on your own and you learn to budget and stuff you change as a person with alot of respect for others and stuff.

  23. 21

  24. 18

  25. 16

  26. 19 it feels nice at first but you need money if not you be missing momy..;()

  27. I moved out when I was 18 and went to college. The first year I came home for the summer but after that I pretty much stayed where I went to college all year round and worked in the summer months. By the time I had graduated from college I had moved all of my things out of my parents home. I got married when I was 25.

  28. 18 when I joined the military. Lived in the barracks until I was 20.

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