
What age did you or plus your children learn typing ,keying?learning at 7,10 happening.Do you nosome gd site?

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  1. when i was like 5 i gess. i dont remember when exactly, but me and my sister used the jump start game ( i luv those ) and i started typing really fast when i was like 10. its weird how some kids my age cant type and use like one finger at a time, i dont have the patience for that

  2. Like 1st grade at the lastest.

    Typing is super easy..

    Whatever you do, don't use a site or a game, especially "Type to Learn"

    They are awful. And don't make your kids type using the homerow technique, I've been typing randomly and I am one of the fastest typers I know. Just have them type. It helps to have them type from their minds, not reading then typing, because it is slower and they will learn faster the other way.

  3. At my elementary school a few years back typing as mandatory from grades 2-6. It really helped me with computers and such. You're kids are at a good age to learn.  

  4. I learned how to type at 4 or 5 (kindergarden and first grade), and very quickly at 7 or 8 (3rd and 4th). I had a computer when I was little and just learned by playing random games that had nothing to do with typing (playing games where I had to type my name at the beginning, etc., etc.).

    I hope this helps!

  5. your kids can start learning how to type now there are some good computer programs you can buy at the store or online that teach you how to type and they're also fun there are also some schools that offer typing classes

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