
What age did you..?

by Guest60040  |  earlier

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move out and live on your own?




  1. in 2 months! so 18...

    but i moved out when i was 15 to live with my boyfriend for 2 years.

  2. I was out and living on my own by the time i was 15 years old.

  3. Which time? 1st 17 2nd 19 3rd 22

  4. 19! and i cried when I told my mom and dad......they celebrated..go figure! LOL

  5. 17 but let me tell you the grass is no greener on the otherside actually it is much harder than living at home was.

  6. On my 19th birthday!

  7. When I was 24 and able to buy my own house with my fiance. We got married a year later.

  8. I was 18 - and it was so liberating!!!!

  9. 12 years old. I was able to finance myself and my girl


  10. 20

  11. 18

  12. 15

  13. I guess I moved out when I went away to college?  Sort of.  I've had progressively less and less stuff still sitting at my parents' house since then.  I've never officially "moved out" -- stuff just trickles to wherever I'm going to school nowadays when I need it.

    I still don't live totally on my own, and I'm in my mid-20's.  I'm still in grad school, so the pay's not really good enough to make me financially independent in the long term just yet.  As far as physically living on my own. . . well, I haven't had someone living in the same space with me all the time except for the occasional long-term visitor in this millenium.

  14. 17.  I graduate high school and went to college!  But then again, my brother and I were paying rent, utilities, and groceries since we were 14, since our mother did not do this for us.

  15. I was 17 but couldn't manage on my own, not even at 21.  It's hard without some help.  My oldest daughter was 15 and her boyfriend was 16 when they got their own apt.  They are 28 and 29 and still together.  It is possible but it ain't easy.  I am 48 now.

  16. I was 20.  It was kinda 'spur of the moment', but at 29 I'm still independent and fine on my own!

  17. The summer after I turned 18.

  18. 17 the first time, boomeranged a couple years later for a couple of months, then moved out again for a year before joining the service.

    I never actually lived on my own, I always had a roommate.  It's too expensive to move out completely on your own.
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