
What age did you start giving your baby whole milk? ?

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Many doctors say wait until one year, but others say different things. What did your doctor tell you? I'm having trouble nursing now (please, I'm not asking for breastfeeding advice) and formula is just SO expensive.




  1. Just spoke w/the doctor about this last week.  I can give him small amounts now (cooked in food and/or one sippy cup a day) but do not replace any formula intake w/whole milk because research has been shown that cows milk could cause infant anemia.  

    Sooo... Johnny gets a sippy of milk around 2-3 times a week, and it's cooked in some of his foods.  But I'm going to hold off on stopping the formula until his next dr appt (one year appt).

  2. I just asked this question a few minutes ago too lol.

    Nestle Nutrition recommends 9-12 months. I called them when I needed some more information on my baby formula and they randomly just told me that fact.


    You also have to put in vitamin and iron drops into the baby's milk. I think this goes for under 12 months only. That way they still get their daily requirement.

  3. I gave my baby whole milk when she was 12-month, because she was allergic to protein in the cow milk.

    But I think formula is better than milk if baby is under 12-month, there are much more nutrients like vitamins and minerals in the formula  than which in the whole milk.  It's the most important time for brain development at babies first two years.  

  4. My son turned 11 months old last week and I'm going to finish up the can of formula I've got in the cupboard as well as a free sample one that came in the mail and then I'm going to make the switch.  I know a lot of my friends started their little ones at around 10 months.  I've already been giving him cheese and yogurt for a while now and he's been reacting fine thus far so I'm not anticipating any issues.

  5. I also have heard 1 year old. There are too many harsh protiens in it or something.  

  6. My doctor told me I could give my daughter cow's milk at 11 months.  I was still breastfeeding her too.

  7. 3 years old. I used Similac Go + Grow, it was a comfort thing for baby.

  8. i know it sucks, but... you should wait until the baby is at least a year old.  formula IS really expensive.. you can buy generic at walmart or sam's club.  my mom and doctor both said that the baby may have an allergic reaction to milk.  your better off to wait.  how old is the baby? my sis started her daughter at 11  months and there weren't any problems...  any less then that i would pump as much as you can and supplement with formula.  good luck!!

  9. My doctor said I could give small amounts (mixed with her cereal or cooked into foods) at around 9 months.

    If you are looking for a replacement for breastmlk, cows milk is not appropriate until after a year.  Baby needs the nutrients in breastmilk or commercial formula, and large amounts of cows milk can cause serious health issues.  Expensive or not, if you can't provide enough breastmilk, you need to supplement with formula.  

  10. You need to speak with your child's pediatrician.  Starting out too early with whole milk can cause intestinal bleeding.  I've heard of babies as early as 8 months drinking it, but its a risk that I wouldn't take with my daughter.  

  11. I started introducing milk in a sippy cup at 10 months and at 11 months switched over completely.  When you do start with milk it has to be whole milk (3.25%), not skim or 2%.  Your cheapest options for formula are to use powder & to buy the larger can rather than having to buy smaller cans more often....also use a basic formula rather than ones that are designed to be digested easier etc...only go to those types if baby proves to need something special.

  12. they say 12m now, but it used to be 6m when mine were young, i introduced cow full fat milk on cereals, and in a feeder cup so that they had small amounts at first do it gradually, and things should be fine, talk to your health visitor if u need more advice good luck  

  13. not till a year but you could try and get wic for some formula and that will save you a bunch of money on that it cause they can not have alot of cows milk before 1 year of age

  14. We started at 11 months, though the doc said 1 year I figured a month early wouldnt hurt & it didnt

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