
What age did you start trying to potty train ?

by Guest66928  |  earlier

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i am very determined that on my daughters 1st birthday and there for after its baby potty time because diapers are ridiculous and i also am a stay at home mom so i have time to work with her . can you all tell me when u started potty training ?




  1. My last two of four boys are twins.  We tried at 2 and then later succeded nearer to 3.  You will be successfull only if your child is ready.

  2. You can't train a child at a year old.....really you'd just be training yourself to "catch" her before she needs to go.   A child must be able to control the proper muscles in order to be potty trained, and this rarely happens before two years of age.

    At some point, your little girl will start showing interest in going on the potty.  When she does, seize the moment!  It will be much faster and easier to train her if she is interested, because she'll gladly cooperate with her.  Don't force her, however, because it will escalate into a huge control issue between the two of you.

    Good luck!    Don't worry, they never go off to college wearing diapers!

  3. My mother-in-law gave me the best advice which was not to pick a date but instead let the child lead.  If you're a stay at home mom, there's no reason to rush it and rushing it can have the opposite effect - becoming a "big girl" should be an achievement for the child, not a stressful one.  If you start when she's physically or emotionally incapable you run the risk of her feeling like a failure and this can truly have a long-lasting impact on how she views herself.  Get a potty chair and put it in the bathroom and just let her lead you.  She'll probably be curious and want to copy you.  When she uses it be thrilled and when she doesn't always be encouraging.

  4. girls are quite early learners and many can start at that age but you must be persistant. many of my friends daughters were fully potty trained(not at night) by 18 mo old.

  5. i started when he was 2.

  6. I started when my daughter was about 1 1/2, but she didnt do it until she was over 2 yrs old... no matter what I tried, she just wouldnt go in the potty chair at all, she would rather pee and p**p in the floor.

    I dont think there is any Right age, Its just when the child decides they are ready.

    My daughter Was doing great until this last month, now it seems she has regressed a little, she will just go in her pull ups, sometimes in her panties.

    But have faith.... dont let it overwhelm you! :)

    Good Luck!

  7. i would start at around 2 to 2 1/2 years of age.

  8. My friend is just starting to potty train her son and he is 18 months. this is when her doctor said that her son was ready to be potty trained but I do believe that girls most of the time do accomplish things faster than boys. And if you are persistant with it I believe it might take a while but She'll get it.

  9. For my girls, i started potty training when they were 1 and a half - 2 . For my boys, when they were 2 - 2 and a half, because I've realized that most boys potty train later than most girls.

  10. What most parents don't realize is the connection between brain and bladder/bowel is not developed before 16-18 months of age...therefore when a paent says a child is "Potty-Trained" before that age it just means that  The Parent is Potty-Trained or is insync with the childs Bathroom Time-table...I wouldn't even really begin potty-trining before 18 months...there are a few daughter being one of them where a child will potty-train earlier (my daughter did it herself at 16 1/2 months and never wore a diaper again...but that is other 3 kids were 22 months and above.

  11. My daughter started walking at 7 months by the time she was 1 she was potty trained. So I think if they can walk it's a good time to start. Good luck

  12. as soon as i was born

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