
What age did your child sit on his/her own??

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What age did your child sit on his/her own??




  1. My girls about 10 months, my son about 13 months as he crawled on his back and wasnt interested in sitting up.  

  2. My son was about 6 months wen he learnt 2 sit on his own coz he was jst way to chubby. bt it takes time.

  3. between 5-7mths  

  4. 4 months

  5. sit on his or her own what?  chair?

  6. 4 and a half months

  7. about 4 or 5 months

  8. I work in a portrait studio and most little ones usually sit on their own around 4-6 months.  I have seen a few baby's that were 6-8 months and just beginning to sit on their own because they were a fair bit smaller, or just developing a little bit slower.

  9. both of mine were about 5 months

  10. My little Celestial was about 5 months before she really could sit on her own without any incident. But she didn't walk at all until she was about 13 or 14 months (well, she cruised around 10 or 11 months...)

  11. 6 months.

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