
What age did your parents or did they stop giving actuall gifts to you?

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I think in high school I stopped knowing what i wanted. There was never anything i really had to have expect like senior year I wanted a good camera. So my parents for Christmas and birth days would just give me money instead of a gifts. Even now as an adult i drive my wife crazy because i never really want anything. This year i do have a list for her though.

My parents started doing the same to my brother even though he still had list. just gave him money and he could get what he wanted

Even now last year for my birth day my mom deposited money in our joint account. (She lives far away and we have a joint checking since college for her to give me money when i needed it back then)

My wife's mother still buys her actuall gifts




  1. My mother still gives actual gifts to me, even through adulthood.

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