
What age do cats need to eat cat food?

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i have a cat that is 1 month old and i need to know when i need to feed him.




  1. 0_o.... Wow just wow....

  2. Try the new mouse flavored cat food.

  3. Orphaned kittens can be weaned earlier than their naturally raised counterparts. So, you can start weaning him when he reaches 4 weeks old. However, for now, you can already test his readiness to accept semi solid food. To test, drip some formula onto your finger and your palm. Test to see if he is able to l**k them. If he appears interested and can l**k off the formula, he is ready to lap from a dish.

    She should already be weaned so if possible, always put the kitten on a wet diet instead of offering dry food. There are many misconceptions out there about feeding dry food to your kitten/cat. Please be aware that feeding dry food is convenient to the owner, but might not be the best for your kitten/cat.

    You can start now by mixing her wet food with water to make a gruel. Then, encourage her to lap on the food dish. If she is unable to lap or does not know what to do, dip one finger into the gruel and gently place it on her lips. She will l**k it and might just find it palatable. Slowly move your finger into the dish as she sniff it. Gently dip your finger into the dish and allow her to lap on the dish. It takes some time but she will get the idea.

  4. Since your cat is a month old, it should already be fed with cat food. Feeding a cat with cat food should be started in like about 6 weeks but you should feed your cat kitten food first. Then when it's about 3-4 months old, start feeding your cat real cat food.

    Hope this helps!

  5. This advice is from a vet...the last one is from Purina site.

    Kittens should begin eating solid food about 3 to 4 weeks of age. Initially, one of the milk replacers or goat's milk diluted 50:50 with water should be placed in a flat saucer. The kittens' noses should be dipped into the milk two or three times per day until they begin to lap; this usually takes 1-3 days. Next, canned kitten food should be placed in the milk until it is soggy. As the kittens lap the milk, they will also ingest the food. The amount of milk should be decreased daily until they are eating the canned food with little or no moisture added; this should occur by 4 to 6 weeks of age.

    From Purina...

    At what age do kittens start to eat on their own?

    As part of the weaning process, kittens start to eat solid food around 3 to 4 weeks of age. At this time, kittens should be offered moist food or dry food moistened with water or milk replacer. Enough water should be added to form a soft but not liquid gruel. It is best to offer the same kitten food that will be fed after weaning to avoid stomach upsets. By six to eight weeks of age most kittens have learned to eat solid, unmoistened food.

  6. I am a dog person and have kept a few pups fed from birth by hand.

    Kittens not so different. If you can't afford supplement from the vet. Buy a kitten dry food, had warm water and some milk.Warm it until they can easily eat it. Then as kitten is digesting well, wean it to dry food.

  7. put cat food on a plate and see if he cn handle the meaty chunks...oh yes meaty chunks...ooooh meaty meaty chunkie wunkie chunks......sorry about carried away...see if he can, if not feed him his own intestines...oh wait...that for something else....thats right, feed him milk and small cat crunchie things and small chunks of meat, chunks, oh I gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  8. wait util he/she reaches 96

  9. try giving him some soft food and milk replacer that cat is too young to be away from momma. it is 6-8 wks about 2 months they are supposed leave. hope i helped.

  10. Kittens can start with baby cat food after 3 week but they probably wouldn't do so. Most likely that they will start to eat when their teeth grows out so mother cat will start to getting them off in 4 - 6 week.

    In that period they start to eat solid food for kittens and continue to breastfeed. Some kittens is breastfeeding until 16 weeks and as longer the do so, is better for them :)

    Important! Always provide fresh weather for your cats, small and big ones!

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