
What age do children learn the most?

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What age do children learn the most?




  1. The first 5 years of life children learn the most. That's why Early Childhood Education is so important!

  2. 1st 5 years! They are absolute sponges!!! Read read read and talk talk talk to them! Have them do hands off activities - forget the tv and the computer stuff! If a child did not get stimulated enough during this time, you can play catch up, but it takes a lot longer!

  3. At the age of at least 2. Their brain is like a sponge. You could teach them how to read at that age.

  4. seven and eight years old

  5. It all depends on the child because every kid is unique. I think babies learn the most because they listen to everything and catch on. That's just my opinion!

  6. I compleatly agree that the first five years are the most importiant.  I have been told (and witness to) the fact that from the age two to three a child will learn more than at any other time in their life.

  7. Mostly from the time of conception up to the age of 6. For me, when you know that you are conceiving, you must read more and more, give your best to some talents you can perform like singing, dancing, etc., listen to songs all the things that your growing baby in the womb can absorb.

    It is funny seeing the results when the baby is born. Like my children, they are talented and excel in their subjects.

    During these years of development, the brains of the children are very absorbent. I suggest to give them loads of activities like singing with actions, recognition of letters, number counting by using objects, place words to all the objects at home (door, wall, table, etc.) is also the key for them to start learning to read and recognize. Daily task for each child can be given like letter Aa for the first day.

    My experienced with my own son, he learned to sing the full ABC song, then followed by recognition of each daily. When he completely recognized the alphabet, I started to teach him the sound of each until he can read 2 letters up to more. Then I asked my yaya ( give task to your yaya daily for your child) since I used to work,  to let my son recognized 2 flags of a country a day until he can name all the flags plus the capitals of all the countries. Little by little, step by step of your strategies,  your children with the age bracket given can learn the most of what you like them to learn before entering a school or when they're in school.

    I believe that not only with the age-bracket given, each child continually learns with the right guidance of an adult. But in the case of some slow learners or with problems, you must put all your care and understanding. Do not give words of comparison nor shout at the child because these can affect their abilities to learn. Give much love and attention are some of the things to encourage them.

  8. I am a Senior majoring in Early Childhood Education so I may be able to answer your question. The first five years are the most critical. Many theorists have researched that certain subjects if not learned before a certain age simply cannot be learned. There is a movie/book out there that shows the true life story of a young girl who was locked away in the basement by her parents at the age of 2 until a teenager. If a child has not been exposed to and picked up language by puberty, it is believed that they will never learn it. But to simply answer your question, children between the ages of birth-5 absorb the most information. These years serve as the base for education. Hope this helped!

  9. There is no answer for this. We acualy never stop learning. Even adult's! Eveyday we learn something knew. Have you even heard the saying 'life is all about making mistakes the point is to LEARN from them.'

  10. exactly 3 years

  11. It's best to teach a child before the age of 6. They learn things more easily than they do when they are older.

  12. They say the first 5 years of your child's life are the most crucial for learning.

    It is true that if your child is not exposed to any speech or learning before the age of 5 it is almost impossible to ever learn it. There are many studies to prove this.

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