
What age do guys get when their libido starts going down?

by  |  earlier

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I'm just curious. Guys extra input would be great. Thanks!




  1. For some men, never.

  2. my hubby is 33, i hope it happens soon!  

  3. well i am 49 and still go like i was 18

  4. I honestly dont think that guys lose their Libido!  

  5. I've seen some 60 to 70 year old men using viagra in my job.So,I'm gonna say never.

  6. My husband is 41 and it has not slowed down thank God.  

  7. It really depends on the man.  I am 35, and I can tell you that my libido is still very strong.  I don't get random erections as often as I used to, but when I see my wife naked or looking s**y I still get very aroused.  I could have s*x once a day without any problems ... or complaints!  That said, it is rare for me to desire s*x more than once per day, and there was a time where I could go 3 or 4 times a day and still want more.

    One of my good friends (same age), on the other hand, told me the other day that he hardly ever feels like having s*x anymore.  And, at one time, he and his wife were crazy s*x addicts.  They had their first child about 1 year ago, and he says this made a HUGE difference.

    Sorry, I don't have a magical age to offer you.  Some men peak at 18.  Others are like the Energizer Bunny ... they keep going ... and going ... LOL

  8. Don't know, my boyfriend is almost 57 and still has a strong libido.  Love it!  ;)

  9. Never.  I'm 42 and my libido gets stronger every year....thank goodness.

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