
What age do ragdolls go into heat!

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I was wondering what age do ragdolls come into heat. I read that different breeds come into heat at different times and I was wondering if ragdolls were early or late or normal. I was wondering because they have some siamese in them(siamese come in heat early) and also they are quite large but they are slow developers. So does anyone who owns a ragdoll or just someone who has experience that knows what age is either the avereage heat age or when their cat came into heat thankyou!




  1. Around 6-8 months.. but please, just spay your cat.. the world does NOT need more cats and kittens... theres already thousands of them being killed in shelters everyday.. don't contribute to those numbers

  2. all cats go into heat at the same time uaslly about 8-9months old is when they go into heat but you can get them fixed at 6-7months they go into heat once every month just like how a women gets her period if you don't get her/him fixed after 5yrs. they will permently stay in heat all the time but just doesn't howl which will result in them being mean and hissing and biting

  3. Puberty/first oestrus is determined by body size rather than age.  Once a cat has reached almost full adult size (apart from some filling out) is can go into oestrus.  In the large slower developing breeds that's usually between 6 and 8 months.  There's no need to let a cat go into oestrus or breed before spaying her.  It's safer and better to spay her before oestrus.  Once she starts having oestrus, she'll do this every few weeks unless mated.

  4. from wen there one year old thay go into heat every six month and wen the babys come u have to watch them cos the will eat them if she dos not want them so u have to watch them a lot

  5. Same age as any other cat.  Mine have gone into heat as young as 5 months.

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