
What age do toddlers able to say there own name

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What age do toddlers able to say there own name




  1. 18 months

  2. Depends on the name. Some simpler names can be said by 18 months no problem, some of the made up "Shaquandriananaquinta" names can't be said for years.

    My niece could say her name by 18 months. My nephew could say his by about 22.

  3. My 19 month-old can say the shortened version of his name (Gabe), but not his full name (Gabriel). It depends on the kid and how complicated the name is to say.

  4. It varies.. But most of the time around 2 1/2 or 3.

  5. well my oldest daughter didnt say her full name until she was four, she started saying her nickname (bella) when she was two. my second daughter says her full name (emily) and she's four now, she usally says em-a-wee thoguh (so funny) my son doesnt talk so i dont know yet.

  6. when my neice was 2, she used to talk in the third person.  so she would say "tiffany doesn't like it.  so i would think around 18 months.  

  7. My daughter is 2 (28 months) and has benn saying her name for about 6 months now. We taught her to walk up to new people and intro duce herself..."Hi, I Peyton" is what she says! it is very cute. On the other hand...I have a 2 year old (25 months) in my day care who cannot say her name. It all depends on their language development.

  8. well i have a niece who is three and she cant even say her own name each child learns at their own pace just give it some time they'll get it sooner or later

  9. well my sons name is pretty hard to say--isaiah! he said it around his second birthday and now he is 26 months old and if someone asks him wat his name is he is able to tell them

    although he was able to say his many nicknames at 18 months (zay-zay, ziggy, and zaya) lol too many names i know!!

  10. My boy has been saying his own name and pointing to himself from around 22 months onwards

  11. I'm not sure what the average age is, but my niece is 2 and just started trying to say her name. (which is Savannah, but right now it sounds like Suana lol)

  12. I started talking before I was 15 months old, when my brother was born I was 15 mo. and speaking in full sentence form to the nurses!!!

  13. I would say by two, but everyone is different.  

  14. my son is 18months and he can say his name sometimes.he can also say his baby sisters name and his uncles i guess it is just when they are ready  to.

  15. All children develop at different ages and stages in their life. My son was a chatterbox and could speak full sentances by 2 and a half whereas my daughter was near enough mute for 2 years. Younger siblings tend to talk later too. Ideally they should be trying to maybe form their name after 2 years old and before their 3rd birthday.  

  16. they can say it at any age if you try and teach them but usually around three or four good luck!!! :)

  17. the average age is around 1 1/2 - 2 years old. But Dont worry if your toddler is a little late. Jus because they are slow doesnt necessarily mean theyre dumb. i started talking at age 3 and i am a 4.0 student. So it varies on the child.

  18. Age 2 - and my son's name is Ray!

  19. Your toddler can mimmick legible words like names by 18 months (if mine was 2 or 3 like some here I would see a peadeatrician!) Call me old fashioned but are kids going backwards these days?  

  20. It depends on the daughter starting saying her name at about 1 (3 syllables) and my son (who is 16 months) has been saying his name for about 6 months (1 syllable) and could say his sisters nickname (zaza) at 1 yr

  21. my son started after about 2 years.

  22. it depends on their development pace. i adopted my son at 6 months old and now hes two and still hasnt said a word. hes very outgoing in other things so hes fine other then a little verbal insegnificency.generally though, toddlers from 2-3 should know their names. but you cant expect them to learn it on their own, you have to teach it to them. like say "my names pamela, daddys name is this, whats your name?" and then say their name.or be talking to someone else in front of them saying this is my son, his name is....just make it clear. some kids talk later then others, but as soon as they learn to talk and answer questions, they should be able to say their name.

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